40 FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 33. 1900. of Pennsylvania, between a point inill/lifliin Township and a point oppo- Legal mu<mu~e,ezc. site in this blprough of Ranking hTh2 said lliiiiigmg, when puilt in accordd ance wit the requirements o t is ct, s a t a ega structure, an ’ may be used for railroad and highway purp0ses. · Spws- thS1sE. 2. That in haay bricllgel built;} unpliair th}? prpvisiogs of phi? Acp e c anne span s a · ~n0t e ess t an ty-t ree eet a ove the eve of the water at pool full in ·said river to the bottom chord of the baiidgla, the north sliore span. phall ge nat lessbthan fgfty-twqlfeea, and a other spans not ess t an orty- ve eet a ove the same eve , nor shall the main span be less than four hundred and seventy-five feet in length in the clear, and the " iers of the bridge shall be parallel with the current of the river, an the mam span shall be over the mam channel of the river at ordinary water. . E Seggwrgggg mr f¤ Sec. 3. That the bridge authorized to be constructed under this Act ppl °p ’slliall be locatgd and built ignderdand subjecét tg such regiglagonslfor t e security 0 navigation 0 said river as the ecretary 0 ar s all prescribe, and to secure that object the railroad company shall submit to (phde Secretaiky if Ygag for léis examigatgpn land approval, afdesign an rawing o the ri ge an a map 0 the ocation giving or the spec; of ghreg-fourths of a agile abovefanlii below th; pgbposed loc%tion, t e e t an currents at a ·points 0 the same an the ocation o any other brid e or bridges, together with all other information touch- . . g . . . ing said br1dge and river as may be deemed recguisite by the Secretary of War to determine whether said bridge w en built will conform to the provisions of this- Act and cause any serious obstruction to the me ·» as ““§E““i°“Tii£i§ 1`¥.°‘L§t§i“l“ili’v“fl’{ “ii°°i}h° iiiw "€.l'“°2'ai ted -— 8 . . e c o r s ere yau oriz an rec p?°v°l’ m` gpxin reoeivilag said plaxéantdymtagi, anil up;15 ficing satisiiedlthat a bridgd ui t on suc a p an an at said oca ityconform to the rovisions of this and cause no serious obstruction to the navigation of the river or in]ur1ously affect the How of water, to_ notify the saad company tha; he approves the samp, anti upon receipmgdsuch notiiicapion the sai company may procee to GB erection 0 said bri e con orming strictlito the approved plan and location. But untilllzid Secretary of War s all approve the p an and location of the said bridge, and notify the said company of the same in writing, the bridge sha not be bui t oroommenced; and should any change be made in the plan of the bridge iliéring the pgogress of phefwlprlg thereon, spmphv change shall be subject i BWISB to the approva 0 the ecretary o_ ar. ’Pr¤¤¤i¤»¤>¤»¢¤¤- Sec. {5. That said bridge shall be constructed to provide for the passage of railroad trains, and, at the option of the corporation by w ich it may be built, may be ased for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all kmds, for the transit of anunals, and for foot passengers for such reasonable rates of toll as may be approyed from time- to ti1ne_by the Provieo- Secretary of War: .Pmvzded, hat a l railroad companies des1ring the “§*§,}‘j_°‘ '“*l’°°·d"° use of the bridge authorized by this Act shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privilegps relative to the passage of trains or cars over tlgeslaape gpg gvggtpo e plplproacipes gherego upon thphpayment of a reas n c n n suc us · an in case e owner or owners of such brl)dge and the several companies, or any one of them, desiring such use shall fail to agree nplon the sum or sums to be paid, and upon the rules and conditions to w ich each shall conform in using said bridge, all- matters at issue between them shall be decided by the Secretary of War upon a hearingl of the allegations and proofs of the Te}egmph.e¤c.,c¤m- parties; and etgual privdeges lh the use of said bridge shall be granted p'"l'°s‘ to gil teleglrlap an ttelpp _ one compaéiiesh h ·h H . 1 Wf 1 To be lawful struc- no. 6. at an ri c constructe un er t is Act s a be a a u me wd p°S°”°“t€‘ structure and shall be liilown as a post road, over which no higher charge shall be made for the transportation of mails, troops, and munitions of war, or other property of the Government of the United
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/92