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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/93

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 33, 34. 1900. 4] States, or for §\fl~SS€[$§€1‘S or freight passing over the same, than the rate per mile c argc for their transportationover the railways or ublic highways leading to said bridge. The UnitedStates shall also have the right of way over, said bridge for postal telegraph purposes. Sec. 7. hatsaid bridge herein authorized to be constructed shall Aids “’ “*“’*€¤“°¤· be so kept and managed at all times as to afford pro er means and ways for the passage of vessels, barges, or rafts, both hy day and b night; and there shall be dis layed on, said bridge by the owners thereof); mgmfron1 sunset to sunrise, sucli) lights or other si nals as the Light—House Board may prescribe; and su51 chan es shag be made from time to ¤¤¤¤se¤· time in the structure of said bridge as tghe Secretary of War may direct, at the expense of the said company, in order the more eifectually to preserve the free navigation of said rive1·. 0 Sec. 8. That this Act shall be null and void unless the construction cemmeiipemeiit of said bridge shall be commenced within one year and completed within “°° °°'“*’l°"°“‘ three years fromthe passage of this Act. ‘ Sec. 9. That Congress shall have power at any time to alter, amend, Amendment. or repeal this Act. Approved, March 2, 1900. CHAP. 34.-An Act Authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missis- March 6, 1900. sippi River at Dubuque, Iowa. - ""‘—···;—·w Be it enacted by the Senate cmd Home 0; Representatives of the United States 0 f America in Oongrese assembled, That the Dubuque and Wiscon- Dubuque me wissin Bridge Company, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws §§i’§'§,aB'{,‘l»f§ge°i‘}'?§Z of the State of Iowa, its successors and assigns, be, and is hereby. gigsiggi dive! 8* D¤· authorized to construct and maintain, at a point suitable to the inter- q `

 of navigation, a bridge for the passage of vehicles of all kinds,“‘

animals, and foot passengers across the MISSISSIPPI River from a oint at or near Eagle oint, in the city of Dubuque, in the State of Ihwa, A to the opposite shore of said river in the county of Grant, in the State of Wisconsin; that said bridge shall not. be built within two miles of anv other bridge on said river following the course of the main chan- - nel; that the location and plan or manner of constructin said bridge semteiiv ti wai to ihalli kgabsuplject to bghe alpproviil of the Seciiptarg of fu, and untig “*""°"°" ““’*°‘°· eci e im to suc as wi not materia a act e interests o navigatiofi the said bridge shall not be built; ahd there shall be submitted to the Secretary of War for his examination and approval a design and drawing of the proposed bridge and a map of the ocation, giving, for the space of a mile above and below the proposed location the topograglhy of the banks of the river, the shore line at high and low water, the direction and strength of the currents at all sta es, and the soundings, accuratel showing the bed of the stream, the gocation of any other bridgie, and, all other information required, and should any change be ma e in the plan of said bridge during the pro 1‘€SS of construction such change shall be subject to the a proval of the Secretary of War, and the said structure shall at aH times be so kept Aids to navigation. and managed and be provided with such guard fences, sheer booms, and other structures as to offer reasonable an proper means for the passage of vessels and other floating craft through or under said structure; and for the safety of vessels passing at night there shall be displayed Liehrsew. on said bridge from the hours of sunset to sunrise such lights as ma be prescribed b r the Light-House Board; and the said structure shail be changed at the cost and the exxgpense of the owners thereof, from time to time, as the Secretary of ar may direct, so as to preserve the free_ and convenient navigation of said river. Sec. 2. That said bridge between the Iowa shore and the lowlands spans. or islands on the Wisconsin side of the river shall be constructed with