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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/94

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42, FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 34-36. 1900. unbroken and continuous stpans, and the main span shall be over the main navigable channel o the river,and shall give a clear width of waterway not less than three hundred and fifty feet, and shall ive clear headroom the full length of said span of not less in any case tghan fifty-five feet above extreme high water mark, as understood at the point of location. The remaining spans shall each give a clear width of waterway of not less than twolliundred feet, and a clear headroom of not less in any case than ten feet between extreme high water mark and the lower chords or the su(perstructure. Said bridge shall-be consgructed at right angles to, an its piers parallel with, the current of t e river. Tell- SEG,. 3. That said Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Comyiany shall have the right to charge and collect a reasonable rate of to l for the passage across said bridge of vehicles, animals, and foot passengers, and travelers, subject to approval by the Secretary of War. C(;1ug¤;g¤g=g¤Ig¤¤¤¤¤¤¤d Sec. 4. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of p ‘ s 1 the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within eighteen months, .. · and completed within three years from‘the date of the passage hereof. To beilawggl mile- Sec. 5. That the bridge built under this Act and sub]ect to its limi- “"° an ms ° f tations shall be a laiwfulhstiiiucture, sind shagl be known and reccggniied as a post route, an it s a enjoy the ri ts and rivile es o other re3eg¤=.ph,erc.,¤0m· post-roads of the United States; and equgl privileglss in tl§e use of said p“‘“"s‘ bridge shall be granted to all telegraph and telephone companies; and the nited States shall have the r1ght of way across said bridge and its approaches for postal-telegraph purposes. Amendmwt- Sec. 6. That the right to a ter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 6, 1900. March 8.1900- CHAP. 35.-An Act Authorizing the health officer of the District of Columbia to ""_"_”" issue a permit for the removal of the remain of the late Major-General E. O. C. Ord from Oak I;Iill Cemetery,_District of Columbia, to the United States National Cemetery at Arlington, Virginia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRq0resentatives 0 f the United Ojget G¤¤· E- 0- °· States of America in Ocngress assembled, That the health officer of the aémevn or remains District of Columbia be, and he is hereby, authorized to issue a ermit °f· for the removal of the remains of the late Major-General E. O. Ord from Oak Hill Cemetery, District of Columbia, to the United States National Cemetery at Arlington. Virginia. ` Approved, March 8, 1900. March 9,1900. CHAP. 36.-An Act Extending the time for the completion of the bridge across —-———···—· the East River, between the citly of New York and Long Island, now in course of construction, as authorized by the Act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven; ‘ ` Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House 0 f Rqaresentatives of the United 'rinqe extended for States of America in Congress assembled, That the time for the comple- §’{”§§‘£€;,,;E§Séit,I$iv°” tion of the bridge of the New York and Long Island Brid e Company across the East River between the city of New York and Eong Island, ve1.z4,p.4es. authorized by the Act of Congress entitled "An Act authorizing the construction of a brid e across the East River between the city of New York and Lon Islan<i" a roved March third, eighteen hundred and _ g . PP g eighty-seven, and the various Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, is hereby extended to and including the first day of January in the·year nineteen hundred and live. . Approved. March 9. 1900.