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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/96

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44 FIFIY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I._ Cris. 37, 38. 1900. same, such question shall be determined by the Secretary of War on - application to him by either party to such matter of difference and due notice to all other parties interested. The parties shall be heard by · the Secretary, and they shall have the opportunity of producing test1- mony. The determination of any such question by the Secretary of -¤¤vi¤i°¤°‘d°°iS*°¤· War shall be conclusive on the parties: Provided, That his decision rlpayfrom time to time, as becomes necessary, be revised and modified y 1m. . S€°’°**"Y °‘ WM *° Sec. 5. That an brid authorized to be constructedunder this Act appmjw pm"` em shall be built and focategirnder and subject to such regulationsfor the security of navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall pxrescribe, and to secure that oléjpct the said company or corporation s all submit to the Secretariy of ar, for his examination an approval, a design and drawings o the bridge and a map of the location, and shall furnish such other information as may be re uired fora full and satis- Lights- factory understanding of the subject; and (ine said company} or corporation shall cause to be displayed on said bridge, from the ours of sunset to sunrise, or at other times, such lights or other signals as may be gwrescribed by the Light—House Board. 0r¢¤*¤¤ 0* <¥¤¤“`· no. 6. That the draw or draws shall be opened promptly upon reasonable signal for the passage of boats, vesse s, or other water craft; Ama to navigation. and at the time of the erection of the piers, or whenever in the opinion of the Secretary of War the same may be necessary, the persons or corporations constructing, owning, or operating said bridge shall, at their own expense, construct proper s eer booms. or other proper structures to safely guide boats, vessels, or other water craft through the said spans. commencemeumd Sec. 7. That if the actual construction of theybridge hereby author· °°“’*’1°°l°“‘ , ized shall not be commenced within two years from the date of approval of this Act, and be completed within four ye5·s after the same date, then this Act shall be void, and all rights hereby conferred shall cease .cou¤u·ucci<m or on- and be determined; and that the construction shall not be commenced ““‘“““ me °""i°g°‘ until the Government of the Dominion of Canada has authorized the construction and maintenance of that art of said bridge which shall _ occupy that portion of the said Rainylltiver which is under the jurisdiction of sard Dominion government. · Amendment. _ Sec. 8. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 9, 1900. March 9,1900. CHAP. 88.-An Act To extend the time for the completion of a bridge across the "‘—"" Missouri River. \ .Be tt enacted by the Senate and House ofRepresentattees of the Matted b,'§`*dg,$,g°x,§f§’§§§u‘§§ States of America an. Omzg/ress assembled That section six of the Act mw at Yankton. a proved March third eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, authorizin V°1‘8°’°‘m°1‘ the Dakota Southern ltai road Company, to construct a combined 1-aiE road, wagon and footgmssengar brrdgeacross the Missouri River, at the city of Yankton, outh akota, be, and is herebfy,.amended by extendmlg the time for commencing the construction o said bridge to March t ird, nineteen hundred and one, and by extendin the time for completi·ng said bridge to March third, nineteen hundred and four. Approved, March 9, 1900. u