CHAP. 39.—An Act To change the name of the Potomac Insurance Company of Georgetown, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Potomac Insurance Company of the District of Columbia
Name changed.
Vol. 6, pp. 460, 691. That the Act entitled "An Act to incorporate a fire insurance company in Georgetown, in the District of Co1umbia," approved the second of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and the_Act entitled "An Act to amend the charter of the Potomac Fire Insurance Company of Georgetown,"Vol. 9, p. 808 approved the third of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven and the Act entitled "An Act to renew and continue in force the charter of the Potomac Insurance Company of Georgetown," approved the twenty-seventh of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-one,Vol. 16, p. 80 and the Act entitled "An Act to renew and continue in force the charter of the Potomac Insurance Company of Georgetown, District of Columbia," approved the twenty-fifth of March, eighteen hundred and seventy, be, and the same are hereby, amended, so that the name and style of said company shall hereafter be "The Potomac Insurance Company of the District of Columbia."
Sec. 2.Prior acts amended. That the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, above referred to, be amended by inserting the words "a board of not less than" immediately before the words "twelve directors," where they occur in section six of said Act; and to further amend said Act by striking out all the words of section seven thereof and substituting in lieu thereof the following words: "Each stockholder shall be entitled to vote in person, or by agent or proxy appointed under his hand and seal, attested by one witness, at all stockholders' meetings, and shall have one vote for each share recorded in his name on the books of the company;" and to further amend said Act by striking out of section eight the words "not exceeding ten thousand dollars in any one policy," and the words "in Georgetown," where they occur in said section; and to further amend said Act by striking out section nine in full, and by striking from section ten the words "not oftener than once in six months."
Sec. 3.Increase of capital stock. That the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, above mentioned, be amended by adding at the end of section two the words "and the board of directors created under this charter shall have the power to increase the capital stock at any time to any amount not in excess of one million dollars."
Approved, March 10, 1900.
March 14, 1900
Chap. 41.—An Act To define and fix the standard of value, to maintain the parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States, to refund the public debt, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Standard of value fixed.
R. S., sec. 3511, p. 696. That the dollar consisting of twenty-five and eight-tenths grains of gold nine-tenths fine, as established by section thirty-five hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall be the standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or coined by the United States shall be maintained at parity of value with this standard, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain such parity.
Vol. 26, p. 289. That United States notes, and Treasury notes issued under the Act of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, when presented to the Treasury for redemption, shall be redeemed in gold coin of the standard fixed in the first section of this Act,Redemption fund. and in order to secure the prompt and certain redemption of such notes as herein provided it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to set