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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1000

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 1406. 1905. 913 `abandoned and the water 11ot used, and for tapping water mains and for furnishing stopcock where the service is not rendered and the material is not furnished; and all money refunded under this provision of this Act shall be paid from and charged to the water fund. Sec. 2. That no civil officer, clerk, draftsman, copyist, messenger, p,_€f},°Q{*;_u§g§·é 3;,,,*;; assistant messenger, mechanic, watchman, laborer, or other employee e11y nppmprierled. shall, after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and Eve, be employed in any office, department, or branch of the government of the District of Columbia, except only at such rates and in such numbers, respectively, as may be specifically appropriated for by Congress for such clerical and other personal services for each iiscal year; and no civil Permem fr<>¤¤se¤— officer, clerk, draftsman, copyist, messenger, ass1stant messenger, iii¤itea?ppmpd°t°°S mechanic, watchman, laborer, or other employee shall, after said date,· be employed in any office, department, or other branch of the govern ment of the District of Columbia or be paid from any appropriation made for contingent expenses, or for any specific or general purpose, unless such employment is authorized and payment therefor s eciiically provided in the law granting the appropriation or is authorized as hereinafter provided, and then only for services actually rendered in connection with and for the purposes of the appropriation from which payment is made and at the rate of compensation usual and proper for such services, and on and after July iirst, nineteen hundred and five, all moneys accruing from lapsed salaries, or for unused appropriations for salaries, shall be covered into the Treasury as are the balances of other unexpended appropriations for the support of the government of the District of C0 umbia. Sec. 3. That the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, levelers, m'§u€**;P,g*¤¤’>" **1***- transitmen, rodmen, chainmen, computers, copyists, overseers, and` inspectors temporarily required in connection with sewer, street, or road work, or the construction and repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engineering or construction work authorized by appropriations may be emploved exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations when specifically and in writing ordered by the Commissioners of the District; and all such necessary expenditures for the proper execution of said work shall be paid from and equitably changed against the sums applropriated for said work; and the Commissioners Report. of the District in their annual estimates shall report the number of such employees performing such services, and their work, and the sums _ paid to each, and out of what appropriation: Pro*v2'<i'ee{. That the Q{{'§{f,§’;,,,, ,,,m,,d,_ expenditures hereunder shall not exceed sixty thousand dollars during we the tiscal year nineteen hundred and six. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are further author- m};_‘{g§mg¤°‘°* °°¤*· ized to employ temporarily such laborers, skilled laborers and mechan- remponiry mimics, as may be required exclusively in connection with sewer, street, °”'°t°‘ and road work, and street sprinkling, or the construction and repair of buildings and bridges. or any creneral or special engineering or construction work, and to incur aiil necessary engineering and other expenses, exclusive of personal services, incidental to carrying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof; said laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by law to be done under contract, and to pav for such services and expenses from the appropiiations under which such services are rendered and expenses incurred. Sec. 4. All horses, harness, and wagons necessary for use in con- g)§ ;*jg]°j;$°g, nection With S€W91‘, Stl‘€9t, O1' l'O€i(l WOI'l<, Ol' Oil (‘Ol1st1'UCtion and Yep3i!' Cqmmiwiouers 'ici of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engineering or using' construction work authorized by appropriations may be purchased, _ hired, and maintained, exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations. when specificallv and in writing ordered by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and all such expenditures necessary for von xxxm. er 1-39 1