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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1001

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914 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. the proper execution of said work, exclusive of personal services. shall be paid from and equitably charged against the sums appropriated for said work, and the Commissioners of the District, in the annual estimates, shall report the number of horses, wagons, and harness purchased, and horses and wagons hired, and the sums paid for same, and out of what a propriation, and all horses owned or maintained by the District shall, so far as ma be practicable, belprovided QW _ for in stables owned or operated by said District: Provided, hat such ork under Com . . mssmm. horses, wagons, and carts as may be temporarily needed for hauling and excavating material in connection with works authorized by appropriations may be temporarily employed for such purposes under the conditions named in section three of this Act in relation to the employment of laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics. ¥Q,‘§,‘Q,‘;§§’,?'"§‘fj‘t{g_ SEO. 5. The services of draftsmeu, levelers, rodmen, chainmen, and men, em. inspectors, temporarily required in connection with water-department . work authorized by appropriations, may be emplolyed exclusively to carry into elfect said appropriations, and be pai therefrom, when specifically and in writing or ered by the Commissioners of the Dis- R°P°’*· trict, and the Commissioners of the District in their annual estimates shall report the number of such emplo ees performin such services Q',jQ`}*§_‘{;,m m,,,,,d,_ and their work and the sums paid toeach: Provided, That the expendmms itures hereunder shall not exceed eight thousand dollars during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six. mQ,§§e,‘,;““°' °°’“‘ The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are further authorized Temvomrylabvrers. to employ temporarily such laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics, °°°‘ as may be required in connection with water-department work, and to incur all necessary engineering and other ex uses, exclusive of personal services, incidental to carryin on such)0 work and necessary for the proper execution thereof; said laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by existing law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and expenses from the appropriation under which such services are _ rendered and expenses incurred. ,“§(;j°`*“°“°°"‘ "“" _ Sec. 6. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are author-

»¤rré'r>;e¤j¤*AmhOr_ 1zed to employ in the execution of work, the cost_of wh1ch IS payable

millsésé; from the appropriation account created in the District appropriation Act for the fiscal year, nineteen hundred and five, approved A ril twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, and known as the “l\}discellaneous trust-fund deposits, District of Columbia," all necessary inspectors, overseers, foremen, sewer tappers, skilled laborers, mechanics, laborers, special policemen stationed at street railway crossings, one inspector of gas fifting, two janitors for laboratories of the Washington and Georgetown Gas Light Companies, market master, assistant market master, watchman. and one laborer for the wholesale producers’ market, horses. carts. and wagons, and to incur all necessary expenses incidental to carrying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof: such services and expenses to be paid _ _ from said appropriation account. ,,j;}§“ °“ '“‘*“"’*‘ Sec. 7. 'Ihe Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall not make requisitions upon the appropriations from the Treasury of the United States for a lar er amount during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six than they make on the appro riations arising from the revenues, includin drawback certiiicates, of) said Districtaexcept as otherwise provided herein. .,,§j,‘§j",§f°* *°’” ‘h° Src. 8. That until and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to advance. on the requisition of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, made in the manner now prescribed by law, out of any moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary from time to time to meet the s