930 FIFTY-IQIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. number of threads of wool, ilock wool, hair, or their wastes, counted in thewarp and weft, does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile. When the number of threads of wool, ilock wool, hair, or their wastes exceeds one-ififth of the total, the textiles shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class VI, as textiles mixed with wool. (c) Cotton textiles containing threads of silk or iioss silk shall be dutiable according to the corresponding numbers of group three, Class IV. with the surtaxes established in each case [Class IV, group three, Rule A]: Provided, That the number of silk or tloss-silk threads, counted in the warp and weft, does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile. When the number of threads of silk or floss silk exceeds one—fifth of the total, the textiles shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class VII [Class IV, group three, Rule A]. (d) Textiles of hemp, jute, linen, rimie, or other vegetable fibers, containing threads of wool, flock wool, hair, or their wastes shall be dutiable according to the corresponding numbers of group two, Class V, with the surtaxes established in each case [Class V. group two, Rule A]: Provided, That the number of these t reads of wool, flock wool, hair, or their wastes counted in the warp and weft does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile. Vlfhen the number of threads of wool, flock wool, hair, or their wastes exceeds one—fifth of the total, the textiles shall be subject to the corresponding duties of group three, Class VI, as textiles mixed with wool. [Class V, group two, Rule A.] (e) Textiles of hemp, jute, linen, ramie, or other vegetable fibers containing threads of silk or iloss silk shall be dutiable according to the corres onding numbers of group two, Class V, with the surtaxes established) in each case [Class V, group two, Rule A]: Provioled, That the number of these threads of silk or iloss silk counted in the warp and weft does not exceed one·fiftb of the total number of threads composing the textile. When the number of silk or floss-silk threads exceeds one-fifth of the total, the textiles shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class VII. 1[Cluss V, grou 1 two, Rule A.] (f) extiles of wool, tlock wool, or hair, containing threads of silk, or floss silk, shall be dutiable according to the corresjionding numbers of group three, Class VI. with the surtaxes establis ed in each case ` [Class W I. group three. Rule A]: 1’l·m·h{»r/. That the number of silk or tloss-silk threads docs not exceed one-lifth of the total number of threads composing the textile. When the number of silk or tloss-silk threads exceeds one-fifth of the total. the textiles shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class VII. [Class VI. group three. Rule A.] more than ms ms- RULE Amuxrmms or noun rnxx Two MATERIALS.—'I`0XIIl9S ’°"‘“’* composed of more than two materials shall be dutiable as follows: (a) Textiles containing an adniixture of wool and cotton, or of wool and other vegetable tibers and. at the same timd, threads of silk or of Boss silk, shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class VI, as mixed woolen textiles, whatever be the proportion of the threads of vegetable tibers, and shall, in addition, be liable to the surtax leviable on the silk or ti0ss—silk threads: I"ma·Ided, That the number of these threads counted in the warp and weft does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile. When the number of silk or {loss-silk threads exceeds one—fifth of the total, the textiles shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class VII. (b) Textiles containing an admixtnre of cotton and other vegetable fibers. and at the same time threads of silk or floss silk, shall be sub-
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