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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1018

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 931 ject to the corresponding duties of Class V and assimilated to textiles , of jute, hemp, and so forth, whatever be the roportion of the cotton threads; they shall, in addition, be liable to the surtax leviable on the silk or Hoss—silk threads: Provided, That the number of these threads counted in the warp and weft, does not exceed one—fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile. When the number of silk or floss-silk threads exceeds one—fifth of the total, the textiles shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class VII. (c) Textiles of an admixture of wool, cotton, and other vegetable fibers, containing no silk threads, shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class , and shall, in addition, be liable to the surtax leviable on woolen threads: Provided, That the number of these threads, counted in the warp and weft, does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threads com osing the textile. WVhen the number oipwoolen threads exceeds one—fifth of the total, the textiles shall be subject to the corresponding duties of Class VI, as woolen textiles. RULE #1. Siu; ·rnxtriLns.—All textiles containing silk or iloss-silk Silksthreads the number of which, counted in the warp and weft, exceeds one-fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile, shall be considered as textiles of silk. EXGEPHONS.—FOP knitted stuffs, tulles, laces, blondes ribbons, and all pile fabrics provided for under paragraphs one hundred and twenty- four and one hundred and fifty-one, composed of an admixture, exception to the preceding rules shall be made in the following cases: Rona 5. n nm zmrmn s·rurr·s.—All kinds of nitted studs K¤*°· ¤'¤·· ¤¤¤·*·— and tulles, laces, and blondes, when mixed, shall be dutiable according to the corresponding numbers of the class comprising threads of the material most highly taxed, whatever be the proportion of such threads in the textile. Plushes, velvets, velveteens, and all pile fabrics provided for under paragraphs one hundred and twenty-fourand one hundred and fifty- one, when mixed, shall be dutiable_according to the corresponding numbers of the class comprising the threads of the material most highly taxed, whatever be the proportion of such threads in the textile. Knitted stuffs, laces, blondes, tulles, and the pile fabrics mentioned in the preceding paragraph, comprised in Class VII, shall be considered as textiles mixed with silk when they contain threads of cotton or other vegetable fibers, or of wool or of flock wool, whatever be the proportion of such threads in the mixture. Rum-: 6. Rmnoxs.-—Ribbons and galloons mixed with cotton and R*'¤‘>°¤¤· other vegetable fibers or with vegetable libers and wool, containing no silk, shall be subject to the corresponding duties of the class comprising the threads most highly taxe . Ribbons or galloons containing silk, in whatever (proportion, shall be dutiable as textiles according to the correspon ing numbers of Class Vll. Rum: T. 'l`m1v1mxos.—Trimmirégs shall be dutiable on the total T’”¤¤*¤¢¤· weight, as if exclusively compose of the apparent or visible textile material. Trimmings composed on their apparent or visible part of various textile materials siall be subject to the corresponding duties of the class comprising the material most highly taxed. When the predominating component material consists of metallic threads of any kind, the trimmings shall be dutiable according to Class VII. Trimmings are distinguished from ribbons and galloons by the latter being real textiles, with warp and weft, while trimmings are plaited.