Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1019

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932 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. snirrsxrzs. ¤¤*¤¤¤¢¤- RULE 8. Esmnmsnmnur or SURTAXES.—Th€ surtaxes applicable, owing to broché, embroidery, metal threads, or making up, shall always be computed on the duties leviable on the text1le_by taking into account, 1f necessary, the increase of such duties in case ot admixture. For the collection of the total duty, the surtaxes applicable for either of the above-mentioned reasons shall, when necessary, be added to ether. ` smsés. RULE 9. BROCHlilS.—v—TGXClI€S, brochés or woven like brocades, with silk or iioss silk, shall be liable to the duties leviable thereon plus the surtaxes established in every case. [Class IV, grou three, ule B, letter (a), and Class V, group two, Rule B, letter (a)$ Brochés or brocaded textiles are all textiles with liowers or other ornaments applied by means of a shuttle in such manner that the threads do not occupy the entire width of the stuff, but only the space comprising the flower or pattern. _ Embroidery- Rum: 10. Emsnommzr. —'1`extiles embroidered by hand or machine A after weavin or with application of trimmings shall be liable to the duties levialde thereon lus the surtaxes established in every case. ‘ g.)lps'suIV,bg1ioup three, Rule B, letter (b); Class V, group two, Rule , e r . - Embroidery is distin uished from patterns woven in the textile as the latter are destroyed by unraveling the weft of the textile, while embroidery is independent of the warp and weft and can not be ‘ unraveled. MetaIIi¢thr¤d¤· Rum 11. Mm·A1.1.1o ·mnr:Ans.—Textiles and trimmings containing metallic threads, in whatever proportion, shall be liable t.o the duties leviable thereon, plus the surtaxes established in every case. [Class IV, group three, Rule B, letter (c); Class V, roup two, Rule B, letter (c).] Texltiles excllusivplylcomposed of metsglic threads shall be dutiable accor in to C ass . Mm-up uncles Rn1.ngi2. Mann-nr ARTICLES.·—TOXiill0S manufactured into articles of all kinds shall be liable to the duties leviable thereon, plus the surtaxes established in every case. · [Class IV, roup three, Rule B, letter (d); Class V, group two, Rule B, letter (d).? . Ready-made clothing, wearing apparel of all kinds and of any style, and, generally, all articles made up by the seamstress or tailor, shall for their total weight, be liable to uties leviable on the principal component textile on their most visible exterior part. For the application of the corresponding surtaxes, clothing and articles, half nished, cut or basted, shall be considered as made—up articles and clothing. · nmnus APPLICABLE T0 eoons Nor SPEGIALLY Mmvrroxnn AND T0 Anrromas comrosmn or s1·:v1:1u1. MATERIALS. °'”•*”°*”°"°‘°'°*· Rm.}; 13. Articles not enumerated in the tariii shall for the a ligiihzxhiiimlpwmully cation of duty, be assimilated to those which they most, closely reggable (see rule fifteen), and shall in the tirst instance be so classified by the collector ot the port of entry into which the articles are brought. When an article presented for appraisal is not mentioned in a number of the tariff or m the repertory, and when doubts arise as to its assimilation to articles specihed in the tariff, the interested party or the importer may request the collector at the port of entry to indirate the number according to which such article is dutiable. (lin subclh case the appraisal shall be made according to the number so in 'eat . mj*g¤m°1$,,,?,f,S*f*° 0* _ RULE 14. Articles which. by reason of their nature or their application, are composed of two or more materials or of diiierent parts., as.