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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1031

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944 FIFTY—ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. (f) In other articles, including type, N. \V,,.kilo, fifteen cents. PGM5m- Provided, That none of the articles classified under this para- Mlmmum griiph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad , va orem. G*'<>¤P 6- Gaour 6.—WAs·rEs AND soonum. “`”*°° “"d *‘°°"i‘*· 74. Filings, shavings, cuttings of iron or steel, and other wastes of · cast iron or from the manufacture of common metals, fit only for resmelting, G. W., one hundred kilos, fifteen cents. 75. Scoriae resulting from the smelting of ores, G. W., one hundred kilos, three cents. glgsgglhud Uhm_ CLASS III.—SUns1·ANoEs EMPLOYED IN PHARMACY AND CHEMICAL mis INDUSTRIES, AND rnonucrs ooMr0sED or THESE SUBSTANGES. emupi. Gnour 1.——S11ur1.E panes. ‘ Simple d¤’¤8=·· 76. Oleaginous seed, copra, or cocoanuts, G. W., one hundred kilos, ‘ ‘ sixty cents. 77. Resins and ums: _ ` (a) Cologdiony, Burgundy, and similar pitch and Stockholm tar, G. W., one hundred kilos, twenty-five cents; (b) Spirits of turpentine, N. W., one undred kilos, one dollar and seventy-five cents`; _ {c) Caoutchouc and gutta—percha, raw or melted in lumps, G. W., one hundred kilos, three dollars; 78. Camphor (raw), aloes, extract of licorice, and other similar vegetable juices pot specially provided for, N. W., one hundred kilos, five dollars; (a) Cam hor, refined, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents. 79. Tan bark, W., one hundred kilos, ten cents. Opium- 80. O ium: lla) Crude, N. W., kilo, four dollars; (b) The same manufactured or prepared for smoking or othe1· purposes, N. W., kilo, five dollars: {jr*·»‘¤·>¤· Provided, however, That the Phili pine Commission or any _ ohibitiou author- . . . · . Y 7 ized. subsequent Philippine legislature shall hai e the power to enact V legislation to prohibit absolutely the importation or sale of opium, or to limit or restrict its importation and sale, or adopt · such other measures as may be required for the suppression of the evils resultmlgl from the sale and use of the drug: Andpm- Mifcgepyga? unjfgf ve°ded_fu¢·Me¢·, at after March first, nineteen hundred and mi.' eight, it shall be unlawful to import into the Philippine Islands opium, in whatever form, except by the Government, and for medicinal purposes only, and at no time shall it be lawful t0 sellropiupi to any native of the Philippine Islands except for . me icma purposes. 81. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, buds, bulbs, and bulbous roots, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, grains, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, stems, vegetables, seeds aromatic, and seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and other similar vegetable products; any of tie foregoing which are drugs and not edible and are in a crude State, not specially provided for, and not in the form of a pharmaceutical product or preparation, N. W., one hundred ki os, two dollars and fifty cents; (a) Ginseng root, N. W., kilo., two dollars. 82. Animal products em(pioyed in medicine not specially mentioned. N. X ’., one hun red kilos, three dollars:

  • [ive/Jded, That none of the articles classified under paragraphs eighty-one and eighty-two shall pay a less rate of duty

than twenty per centum ad valorem.