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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1032

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 945 GROUP_ 2.——CoLo1:s, urns, AND vamusrms. ‘*'°“P 2· r 3. Naturalcolors (ochers, and so forth , in wder or luni , G. W. ,,°°,,,l,°,,,",,· °’°‘· ‘“‘° one hundred kilos, one dollar. ) P0 PS ’ N0rrr:.——Natural colors prepared in paste, oil, or water shall be dutiable under paragraph eighty-four (d). 4. Artificial colors of metallic bases: (a) White and red lead in powder or lumps, N.'W.,one hundred kilos, one dollar; (b) White and red lead prepared in the paste, oi1,‘or water, also putty, N. W., one hundred kilos, three dollars. (c) Ot er artificial colors of metallic bases, in powder or lumps, N. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars; (d) Other artificial or natural colors prepared in paste or ready for use in oil, water, varnish, or turpentine, N. W., one ' hundred kilos, five dollars. 85. Other artilicial colors in powder, crystals, lumps, or paste, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents; (a) Printing and litho raphic inks, including dry colors for the same not speciaily provided for; also bituminous paints made from mineral lpitch or coal tar (not anilin dyes), N. W., one hundred k` os, two dollars; · (b) Wgitipg and drawing inks, N. W., one hundred kilos, four o ars; (c) Lead, colored, and indelible pencils, and charcoal pencils for drawin'g,¤N W., kilo, fifteen cents: Hwidcd, t none of the articles classified under fparagratpahs eiggtyfour and eighty-tive shall pay a less rate o duty n per centum ad valorem. 86. Natural dyes: (a) Woods, barks, roots, and so forth, for dyeing, G-. W., one hundred kilos, twent cents; (b) Madder or rubian, G. XV., one hundred kilos, two dollars and twenty-tive cents; ` (c) indi o and cochineal, G. W., kilo, ten cents. 87. Artihcial <§·es: (a) Extracts from logwood, orchilla, and other dyeing extracts, N. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar; (b) Colors derived from coal, and all other chemical dye colors not specially provided for N. W., kilo, fifteen cents. 88. Varnishes, N. W., one hundred kilos, four dollars: ‘ Provided, That none of the articles classified under this para- m“”““"°‘· graph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad valorem. 89. Blacking of all kinds; graphite and manufactures of graphite of all kinds; polishing, ressin , cleansing, and lpreservin £l’8g|\— rations for shoes or leather; Lone and amp b acks of ah in s, N. W., one hundred kilos, three dollars. GROUP 3.——CHEMICAL AND ruaamcmvncan rnooucrs. Gm""' 90. Sim le bodies: ag Sulphur, G. W., one hundred kilos, fifteen cents; mingdleedldiiwrerldtdiidlalr b) Bromine, boron, iodine, and phosphorus, N. W., kilo, eighteen cents. · 91. Inor nic acids: (a§aHydrochloric, boric, nitric, and sulphuric acid; also aqua regia, G. W., one hundred kilos, twenty cents; (b) Liquid carbonic acid, N. W., one hundred kilos, five dollars; vox. xxxm, rr 1—60