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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1034

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. On. 1408. 1905. 947 (a) Absorbent cotton, not medicated, N. W., kilo, ten cents: Hvvided, That none of the articles classified under- para- mnimum. praphs ninety-seven,.ninety-eight, and ninety-nine shall pay a ess rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad valorem. Gnotrr 4.——O11.s, urs, wax, AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. amp 4. 100. V table oils: age Solid (cocoanut, palm, and so forth), G. W., one hundred °“¤»*¤¤·*¤·°°°· kilos, one dollar; (b) Liquid, not specially provided for, and not in the form of a pharmaceutical (product or preparation, G. W., one hunred kilos, one ollar and twenty-five cents. 101. Animal oils and animal fats: (a) Cod-liver oil and other medicinal oils not refined, G. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars and fifty cents; (b) Cod—liver oil and other medicinal oils refined, but not in the form of a pharmaceutical roduct or preparation, G. W., one hundred kilos, five doilars; (c) Glycerin, olein, stearin, and spermaceti, crude, G. W., one undred kilos, one dollar and forty cents; . (d) Other tprude oils and fats, G. W., one hundred kilos, fifty cen ; (e) Other refined oils and fats not lspecially provided for, G. W., one hundred kilos, three do rs. _ 102. Mineral, vegetable, and animal wax, unwrought, and paraffin in · lumps, G. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars. · 103. Articles of stem-in and paraiiin; wax of all kinds, wrought, N. W., one hundred kilos, five dollars. 104. Soap and other scouring coxplpositions; all soaps, soap powders and preparations an sim ar scouring compositions, fifteen per centum ad valorem. ` 105. Perfumery: (a) Essential oils, extracts, and products used in the {preparation "°’*“'”°'Y· of perfumery, including musk, N. YV., kilo, ve dollars; (b) All other kinds of perfumery not otherwise `provided for; powders and oils for toilet purposes, N. ’., kilo, fifty cents: Provided, That none of the articles classified under paragraph ${‘,f,°,;m_ one hundred and live shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty- live per centum ad valorem. · Gaoor 5.-Vamons. G*°¤P5· 106. Artificial or chemical fertilizers, G. W., one hundred kilos, five Mi·¤¢¤¤¤¤°¤•· cents. 107. Starch and feculan for industrial purposes, N. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars. 108. Dextrin, N. W.,one hundred kilos, one dollar. 109. Glues, albumens, and gelatin, G. W., one hundred kilos, four dollars. 110. Carbonzls prepared for electric lighting, G. W., one hundred kilos, live o lars. _ 111. Gunpowder and explosive compounds: ,,,E§,§Ql°""'° °"‘“' (a) Gunpowder, explosive compounds and n1iners’ fuses, N. WV., one hundred 'los, five dollars; _ (b) Gunpowder, sporting and other explosives not intended for mines, inclu ing tireworks of all kinds, N. W., kilo, twenty cents. All gunpowder intended for any kind of firearms, capable of sing through a metallic riddle with round holes two and one- Ki millimeters in diameter, shall be considered as sporting.