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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1035

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948 FIFPY-EIGHTH Ooxomcss. sm. 111. cu. 1408. 1905. gg5C1am_ Cmss IV.—CorroN AND rrs mmuraomnms. G¤>¤P1- Gizour 1.-RAw corroiv. R'"' °°“’°"· 112. Raw cotton, with or without seed, and cotton waste N. W., one hundred kilos, fifty cents. _ _ Cotton yarns and threads of less than twenty centimeters in length shall be considered as waste of spun cotton. ’ Group?. GROUP 2.—YARNS. _ C,Y°" ;,,· Rule applicable to goods classed in the present group: mm" A meter of number one cotton yam of a single thread weighs fifty-nine centigrams. To ascertain the number to which a cotton yarn corresponds any niimber of the meters thereof mady be taken. The number of meters so taken must be multiplie by fifty-nine and the product thereof must be divided by the number of centigrams that the tested length of yarn weiglhs. The quotient so obtained will be the number of the teste yarn, if of not more than one thread. If the yarn is of more t an one thread, the quotient must be multiplied by the number of threads, and to (give the proper number seven (per centum must be added j of not yedésor ten per centum if dye . i 113. arn in n : " T (a) Bleached or unbleached, N. W., kilo, ten cents; (b) Dyed, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents. 114. Yarn in cops, bobbins, or spools, unbleached, including weight of bobb1ns, spools, and so forth: (a) Up to number thirteen, N. W., kilo, nine cents; (b) Nuniber fourteen to number twenty-five, N. W., kilo, e even cents· (c) Nulmber twenty-six to number thirty-five, N. W., kilo, t irteen cents· (d) Number thirty-six to number forty-tive, N. W., kilo, sixteen cents; (e) Number forty-six and above, N. W., kilo, twenty cents. 115. The saéne, blealched or dyed, including weight of bobb1ns, spools, an s0 ort : (a) Up to number thirteen, N. W., kilo, fourteen cents; (b) Number fourteen to number twenty-five, N. W., kilo, sixteen cents· (c) Number twenty-six to number thirty-five, N. W., kilo, eig teen cents- (d) Number thirty-six to number forty-five, N. WV. , kilo, twenty- two cents; (e) Number forty-six and above, N. W., kilo, twenty-five cents. 116. Yarns or threads for sewin , crochetin , darni , or embroider- € S ng ing, including the weig t of the reels or spools, N. W., kilo, twenty cents; ' (a) Thread for sewing sails, wrapping twine and cord, twisted or braided, including the weight of the reels, N. W., kilo, twelve cents; (b) Wicks for makingvcmndles or matches, including the weight of the reels, N. ., kilo, six cents. G¤>¤¤>=*~ Gnome 3.-T1=;x·rr1.1·:s. gggg cum RULE A. When the textiles included in the numbers of this um. group contain an admixture they shall,according to kind, be liable o the following surtaxes (see rules two to twelve, inclusive):