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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1037

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950 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. sms. III. cH. 1408. 1905. simply basted, shall, for their total weight, be liable to the duties leviable on the principal component textile on the1r most visible exterior part, lplus a surtax of one hundred per centum. Plaintextiles. 117. Textiles plain and wit out iigpres, napped or not, weighing ten kilograms or more per one undred square meters, unbleached, bl hed, or dyed; and Textiles plain and without figures, stamped or printed, napped or not, measuring not over one hundred centimeters in W1 th, weighing eight kilograms or more per one hundred square t rs· and Telxlglgs plain and without figures, not stamped or printed, whatever be their width, weighing eight ki ograms or more per one hundred square meters having: (a) Up to eighteen threads, N. W., kilo, ten cents; _ (b) From nineteen to twenty-five threads, N. W., kilo, fourteen center (c) From twergy-six to thirty-eight threads,. N. W., kilo, eighteen cen · (d) Thirty-nine,threads or more, N. W., kilo, twenty-eight cents· ~ (e) The same textiles, stamped, printed, or manufactured, with d ed ams: Dutiable as the textile, with a surtax of tlhrtyiper centum. 118. Other textiles, plain and without figures, napped or not, weighinig less than ten kilos per one hundred square meters, unbleache , bleached, or dyed, havinlg: (a) Up to twelve threads, . W., kilo, fifteen cents; (b) From thirteen totwenty-two threads, N. W., kilo, twenty cents· (c) From twenty-three to thirty threads, N. W., kilo, twenty- seven centsd From thirty-due to thirt -eight threads, N. W.,. kilo, thirty- ts Y seven cen . (e) Thirty-nine threads or more, N. W., kilo, fifty cents: (f) The same textiles, stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yarns: Dutiable as the textile, with a surtax of forty per centum. ""'“°‘• °'°· 119. Textiles twilled or figured on the loom, naptped or not, weighing ten kilograms or more per one hun red square meters, unbleached, bleached, or dyed, having: (a) Up to twelve threads, N. W., kilo, twelve cents; (h) From thirteen to twentytwo threads, N. W., kilo, fourteen cents; · (c) From ttwentythree to thirty threads, N. W., kilo, sixteen 0011 sg (d) Fipm thigtvonpl ta thirtyeight threads, N. YV., kilo, twenty- ve an one- a cen ; (e) Thirtyilnme thyeads or more, N. ll'., kilo, thirty-three and one- a cen s- (f) The same textiles, stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yafnsz Dutiable as the textile, with a surtax of thirty per cen um. 120. Textiles twilled or figured on the loom, nap d or not, weighing ' less than ten kilograms per one hundiieed square meters, unbleached, bleached, or dyed, having: (a) Up to twelve threads, N. WV., kilo, eighteen cents; (b) Fx31m thirteen to twenty-two threads, N. WV., kilo, twenty- ree cen s· (c) From éwenty-three to thirty threads, N. W'., kilo, thirty-two cen ;