FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 95]. (d) From thirty-one to thirty-eight threads, N. W., kilo, forty- three cents; _ . (e) Thirty-nine threads or more, N. W., kilo, fifty-five cents. (f) The same textiles, stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yarns: Dutiable as the textile, with a surtax of forty per centum. 121. Textiles for counte anes, N. W., kilo, twenty-four cents. °°““‘°’P°“°“ 122. Piqués of all kindsg. W., kilo, forty-five cents. 123. Carded textiles in blankets and other articles: (a) Unbleached or half bleached, N. W., kilo, eight cents; (b) Bleached or dyed in the piece, N. W., kilo, fourteen cents; (c) Stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yarns, N .W., kilo, twenty cents. » NoTE.——Blankets in (pairs, hemmed or bound, and separate blankets, shall be consi ered as made-up articles for the appli- \ cation of the corresponding surtax. 124. Plushes, velvets, velveteens, and all pile fabrics, cut or uncut, *’l“=‘h°¤·°*°- excepf towels, N. W., kilo, forty-seven cents; ‘ (a) Bat robes and towels manufactured with pile warp, N.)/V., kilo, twenty-five cents. 125. Knitted goods, even with needlework: [Knitted goods, mixed K“"¥°°°¤- with other vegetable fibers, wool, silk, or floss silk, shall respectively be dutiable according to the corresponding numbers of Classes V, VI, and VII. (See rule five.)] (a) In the piece, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents; (b) Jerseys, undershirts, and drawers, N. W., kilo, thirty-five cents; (c) Stockings, socks, gloves, and other small articles, N. W., kilo, forty cents: Provided, That none of the articles classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. NOTE.—Th8 articles classilied under this paragraph shall have no surtax for the making up. but shall be liable to such other surtaxes as may be applicable. 126. Tulles of all widths: [ hen these articles are mixed in any pro- T““°* portion with linen or silk. they shall respectively be included in thel corresponding numbers of Classes V and VI. (See rule five.) (a) Plain, YV., kilo. seventy cents; (b) Figured or embroidered on the loom, N. W., kilo, ninety- two cents. No*r1=1,;—·Tulles embroidered or figured after weaving, out cf the loom, shall be dutiable under letter (a) of this paragraph with a surtax of sixty per centum. 127. Laces and blondes of all kinds: L*°°¤»°“= (a) Lace curtains, bedspreads, pillow shams, unhemmed, hemmed, or bound, and other laces exceeding thirty-eight centimeters in width, N. W., kilo, ninety cents; (b) Laces not exceeding thirty-eight centimeters in width, N.VV., kilo, one dollar and twenty-tive cents: (c) Laces less than twenty-five centimeters in width, N. YV., kilo, one dollar and forty cents: Provided, That none of the articles classified under paragraphs one hundred and twenty-six and one hundred and twenty- seven shall pay a less rate of duty than thirty per centum ad valorem. . 128. Carpets of cotton, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents. Carpets, etc 129. Textiles called tapestry, for upholstering furniture and for curtains, manufactured with dyed yarns; table covers and counterpanes of the same kind, N. W., kilo. thirty-two cents.
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