` 952 FIFFY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 130. Wicks for lamps, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents. 131. Trimmings of cotton, ribbons, and galloons [(See rules seven and eleven. Ribbons dud galloons containing in any proportion threads of other vegetable fibers, wool, or silk, shal , respectively, be subject to the correspondin numbers of Classes V, VI, and VII. (See rule six)], N. Wg, kilo, fifty-two cents; (a) Cotton ta , N. W., kilo, twenty-six cents: _ Provided, 'Fhat none of the articles classiiied under this para.— graph shall pay a less rate of duty than thirty per centum ad valorem. ` 132. Shoe and corset laces, N. W., kilo, thirty-five cents. 133. Rope and corda e, G. W., one hundred kilos, six dollars. 134. Cinches and saddle girths, N. W., kilo, twenty-five cents; (a) Ribbons or bands for the manufacture of the same, N. W., kilo, twelve cents. ‘ 135: Caoutchouc and cotton textiles: (a) Waterproof or caoutchouc stuffs on cotton textiles, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents; (b) Cotton elastic textiles manufactured with threads of gum - elastic, N. W., kilo, forty-five cents. cimv. Cmss V.——Hmn·, 1*1.Ax, AIDE, Jutrn, AND ormsn VEGETABLE Franks ,,g°'“*’· °"· *l“°°· Ann *1*111:11: MANUFAc·rUiucs. ¤¤>¤vr Gnonr 1.-RAw AND srrm. — R'"' °“" ‘P““· 136. Hemp, raw or hackled, N. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar and ` ten cents. 137. Flax, raw or hackled, N. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar and twenty-five cents. 138. Jute, aloe, and other vegetable iibers, N. XV., one hundred kilos, forty cents. 139. Yarn of hemp or iiax, from eight lea and finer, N. W., kilo, seven cents. 140. Yarn of jute, not tiner than live lea, N. W., kilo, one and onehalf cents. 141. Yarn of hemp and iiax, not finer than eight lea, and yarn of jute, finer than hve lea, inclusive, N. W., kilo, five cents. 142. Yarn of aloe and other ve etable tibers, not elsewhere mentioned, up to number twgve, inclusive, N. WV., one hundred kilos, one dollar and fifty cents. 143. The same, from number thirteen upward, N. WV., one hundred kilos, two dollars and seventy-five cents. 144. Threads, twines, cords, and yarns, twisted, of two or more ends, netted hammocks and fishing nets, and other similar manufactured articles, N. NV., kilo, twenty-two and one-half cents. 145. Gunny bags, each, two cents. 146. Rope and cordage: (a.) Twine or ropp yarn and cord; also cordage and ropemakers’ wares of emp, flax, jute, or other fibers, not exceeding three millimeters in thickness, G. W., one hundred kilos, six dollars; ' (b) Cordage and ropemakers’ wares, of hem , flax, jute, or other fibers, exceeding three millimeters in thickness, G. W., one hundred kilos, six dollars. By the cordage dutiable under this number shall be understood yarn twisted in two or more strands, ten meters of which shall weigh more than five grams.
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