16 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. (Jn. 160. 1904. To pay amounts found due by the accounti11g omcers on account of the appropriation for "Contingent expenses, foreign m1ssions," for the fiscal years as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one hundred and one dollars and ninety-seven cents. For the Hscal year nineteen hundred and two, twenty-three thousand. eight hundred and seventy-one dollars and seventy cents. U¤F<>¤'¢¤¢¤¤ ¤¤¤¢¤‘· EMERGENCIES ARISING IN THE DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR SE11v10E: g°°f°°` To enable the President to meet unforeseen emergencies arising in the di lomatic and consular service, and to extend the commercial and . other interests of the United States, to be expended pursuant to the ` R-S-·*°°- 2°1·P·*°· requirement of section two hundred and ninety-one of the Revised ' Statutes, forty-five thousand dollars. _u{a¤gL¤¤°*°¤ °* °°¤· For expenses, not salaries, of inspection of consulates, to be expended under the direction of the Department of State, eight thousand ollars. gpnin. _ CLERK_ mm: ·ro LEGATION mo Sum: To pay amounts found due by °"‘ h"' the accounting officers of the on account of the appropriation for "Clerk hire to le tion to Spain for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one dolliir and thirty-eight cents. _ w§¤v·*¤*¤*¤¤·**¤¤¤· Rmurns ·ro I.EeA·rIoN AND coNsm.An rnmusmsz To enable the Sec- ' retary of State to keep in refpair the legation and consular premises owned by the Government o the United States and occupied by its agents, two thousand dollars. umchmu _ CoNsm.nz SERVICE IN MANo1IUnu: For the following for the bal- °°"“‘"" '°"'°°"" ance of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four: Oonsubgeneral at Mukden, Manchuria, at the rate of four thousand dollars per annum; consul at An—tung, Manchuria. at the rate of three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; consul at Dalny, Manchuria, at the rate of three thousand five hundred dollars per annum: in all. four thousand five hundred and sixty-nine dollars and sixty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Contingent ex- CONTINGENT EXPENSES, UNITED Srryrns CONSULATES2 To supply a ’°°'”’°°°'“1"°°" deficiency in the a propriation ‘“Contingent ex nses, United States - consulates," including all objects mentioned und; this title of appropriation in the diplomatic and consular appropriation Act for the figcal year nineteen hundred and four, forty-tive thousand dollars. _ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appro riation for "Contingent expenses, United States consulates,” for the figcal years as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three. twenty-six thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight dollars and twenty-one cents. ~ For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, seven thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars and forty-five cents. mggeyuw 1>ep¤rt— TREASURY DEPARTMENT. s:;c‘;eq§;w‘s0n¤e. OFFICE or THE SECRETARYZ For two clerks of class four, to be mg,,;,g;,,§,,_°“' °°"‘ engaged during the remainder of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and 'four. in revising the customs regulations, one thousand four hundred and ninety-six dollars and eighty-two cents, or so much thereof as lll3V be necessary. ` Gmmnsenrexpenses. CONTINGENT EXPENSES: For purchase of horses and wagons, for office and mail service, to be used only for official purposes, care and subsistence of horses, including shoeing. and of wagons, harness. and repairs of the same, five hundred dollars. P<»¤¤ze,¤m. or postage reqnired to repay matter addressed to Postal Union countries. and for dpostage ddr the Treasury Department. for the fiscal year nineteen hun red and three. four hundred and eighty-one dollars and twenty-five cents. `
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