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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/105

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. 17 For purchase of coal, wood, engine oils and grease, grates, grate F¤**l·°*°- baskets and fixtures, blowers, coal hods, coal shovels, pokers, and tongs, one thousand five hundred dollars. To pay amounts found due .by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Contingent expenses, Treasury Department: Fuel, and so forth," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred an three, two hundred and fifty-four dollars and eighty-three cents. For purchase of gas, electric current for lighting and power pu1·- mgnunz. poses, gas and electric-light fixtures, electric-light w1ring and material, candles, candlesticks, droplights and tubing, s burners, gas torches, globes, lanterns, and wicks, four thousand dillars. For urchase of boxes, book rests, chairs, chair caning, chair covers, F¤r¤¤¤¤¢· desks, Ibookcases, clocks, cloth for covering desks, cushions, leather for covering chairs and sofas, locks, lumber, screens, tables, ventilators, t pewriters, wardrobe cabinets, washstands, water coolers and stands, three thousand seven hundred-and fifty dollars. For washing and hemming towels, for the purchase of awnings and Mi¤¤¢ll¤¤¤¤¤¤· fixtures, window shades and fixtures, alcohol, benzine, turpentine, varnish, baskets, belting, bellows, bowls, brooms, buckets, brushes, canvas, crash, cloth, chamois skins, cotton waste, door and window fasteners, dusters, flower garden, street and engine hose, lace leather, lye, nails, oils, plants, picks, pitchers, powders, stencil plates, hand stamps and repairs of same, stamp ink, spittoons, soap, matches, match safes, sponges, tacks, traps, thermometers, tools, towels, towel racks, tumblers, wire, zinc, and for blacksmithing, repairs of machinery, removal of rubbish, sharpening tools, advertising for pro sals, and for sales at public auction in Washington, District of Odliimbia, of condemned property belonging to the reasnry Department, payment of auctioneer fees, and purchase of other absolutely necessary articles, three thousand five hundred dollars. For rent, including heat, light, and janitor and elevator service, for Lace-smngsemce, office of the Life-Saving Service, for the balance of the fiscal year R°m’°t°' nineteen hundred and four, at not exceeding three hundred dollars per month, one thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for removing furniture and records thereto and the erection of shelving, three hundred dollars; in all, one thousand eight hundred dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasurly on account of the appfopriation for "Numhering, adding, and ot 1cr machines, Treasury epartment," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, forty dollars and twenty cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officcrs of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “Contingent expenses, . Treasury De rtment: Investigation of accounts an traveling expenses,’ for th: fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one hundred and two dollars and fifty cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “‘Contingent expenses, Treasury Department: Freight, telegrams, and so forth," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, four hundred and seventy-five dollars and ninety-one cents. Ormcn or Acnrron ron THE Posr-Orrron DEPARTMENT: For O,¤,§g;}§gg,;ar{=;€H§¤¤=· twentv-five skilled laborers, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty Skilledlaborcrsl dollais r annum each, for the balance of the fiscal year nineteen hundredpdnd four, seven thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ Orrrcn or Annrrou Fon STATE AND ormcu Dnranramyrs: For €,g“‘,§§g;¤{Q,;nff?‘°· the following additional clerks for the balance of the fiscal year nine- A&<1m<>¤¤¤c¤m<s. teen hundred and four. namely: For two clerks of class four: two clerks of class three, and three clerks of class one; in all, four thousand ° von xxxm, rr 1·—·—-2