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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1043

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956 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 157. Trimmings, tape, ribbons, and galloons [see Rules 7 and 11. Ribbons and galloons containing any proportion of threads of wool or silk shall, respectively, be liable to the corresponding numbers of Class VII (see Rule 6)], N. W., kilo, sixty cents: _ _ £g¢·¢· Provided, That none of the articles classified under this mm paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than thirty per centum ad valorem. 158. Shoe and corset laces, N. W., kilo, thirty-five cents. 159. Cinches or saddle girths, N. W., kilo, thirty-five cents; (a) Ribbons or bands for the manufacture of the same, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents. _ 160. Waterproof or caoutchouc stuffs on textiles of linen or other vegetable fibers, except cotton, or elastic textiles manufactured with threads of gum elastic, N. W., kilo, twenty-five cents.- $,.‘gg‘,,Y,f·,,,,,,,_h,,,_ CLASS VI.—Woo1.s, nmsrmzs, mm, uoasmum, Aim THEIR sae. MA1¤U1=·Ao*rUREs. GMP]- Gnour 1.-Raw. mw ‘”‘°°"**~l· N0*m.—Articles dutiable in this class shall not be liable to surtaxes. . 161. Bristles, horsehair, and other hair, including the hair of the camel, vicuna, and of the Angora and Cashmere goats, G. W., one hundred kilos, three dollars and Sixty cents. 162. Wool: (a) Unwashed, G. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars and fifty- _ live cents; (b) Washed, G. W., one hundred kilos, four dollars and thirty- five cents; (c) Combed and prepared for yarns, and wool waste carded, G. W., one undred kilos, five dollars; (d) Combed, carded, and dyed, G. W., one hundred kilos, five · dollars and fifty cents. Group?. Gnom- 2.—Y.4m¤s. wm. 163. Woolen and worsted yarns: (a) Spun and twisted, unbleached or in the grease, N. W., kilo, . twenty-five cents; (b) Bleached or washed. N. W., kilo, forty cents; (c) Dyed, N. W., kilo, fifty-five cents. GMP 3- Gnour 3. ——MANUFAO*1‘UR1·:S or Bmsrnss on rum, rnxurms AND FULLED STUFFS. mggagugjggarzgc ¤f 16-1. Manufactures of bristles or hair, other than human hair, not ’specially provided for, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 165; Kmtted goods, even with needlework, with or without an admixture of cotton or other vegetable fibers, dyed in the piece or manufactured with dyed yarns, thirty per centum ad valorem; (a) Jerseys, undershirts, and drawers, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; - (b) Stockings, socks, gloves, and other small articles, forty per centum ad valorem. 166. Textiles and other manufactures of wool, thirty-five per centum ad valorem.