FI.l!TY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 957 CLASS VII.-·SILK sm; rrs manuncruans. g{§V¤· GROUP 1.— AND SPUN. G¤>¤!>1· N8o*m.—Articles dutiable in this class shall not be liable to R"' *¤d¤P¤¤· su xes. 167. of the silkworm, N. W., kilo, twenty-five cents. 168. .S1 wéaste and: cocoons, N. W., kilo, one dollar and twenty-tive cen . 169. Spun Silks, notfwisted, N. W., kilo, one dollar and fifty cents. 170. wisted Silks, kilo, one dollar and seventy-five cents; 171 F(a) Thpksame, dyed, N. W., kilo, one dollar and ninety cents. . oss Sl s: (a) Neither twisted nor combed nor carded, N. W., kilo, one dollar and twenty-five cents; (b) Combed or carded, not twisted, N. W., kilo, one dollar and thirty-five cents; r (c) Twpstegd, of two or more ends, N. W., kilo, one dollar and or y cents. · 172. Floss silks, dyed, N . W., kilo, one dollar and fifty cents. Gnoup 2.-Tmxrxmas. G*°¤P’— 173. Knitted goods, even with needlework, dyed in the piece or man- T¤¤m¤·· ufactured with dyed yarns, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; (a) Jcrse s, undershirts, and drawers, forty per centum ad (b) Stockings, ,soc$, glpves, and other small articles, forty-Eve per centum- va orem. _ 174. Textiles of all kinds of silk, and all other manufactures in which silk is the component material of chief value, not specially Wprovided for, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 175. aterproof or caoutchouc stuffs on silk textiles, or elastic textiles manufactured with threads of _ gum elastic, forty per centum ad valorem. Crass VIII.-Parnu sun rrs Arrnrcarrozv. §§*;‘Q'“‘- Gnouv 1.—·PA1>na 1>U1.r. “'°“*"· 176. Paper pulp, G. W., one hundred kilos, twenty-five cents. *’°P°' ¥’“'¤· Gnour 2.-·—PRlN’1'ING no wmrmo mn-nn. GMP2- 177. Printing paper, white or colored, unprinted suitable for books P¤¤¤¤s ¤¤¤ wmor newspapers, N. W., one hundred kilos, cine dollar. m P""' 178. Common paper, including straw and manila paper, continuous or in sheets, white or colored, used for wrapping packages, bundles, and so forth, and toilet paper, not elsew ere provided for, N. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar. Norm.——The foregoing dpaper manufactured into bags of any kind shall be dutiab e un er this section when without printing with a surtax of thirty per centum. If printed, whether in sheets or bags, it shall be dutiable with a surtax of fifty per ce tum. 179. Wrasing, letter, note, ledger, bond, and record paper, ruled or unruled, unprinted, w ite or colored, N. W., one hundred kilos, three dollars. Envelopes of all kinds shall pay duty under this paragraph with a surtax of thirty per centum.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1044