960 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III, Ch. 1408. 1905. (d) Ilatticework and fencing, G. W., one hundred kilos, twenty t • (e) Hsddllds for tools and implements, G. W., one hundred kilos, h one dollar. . G¤>¤v?~ Guour 2.—FUnN11*Um·1, AND MANU1•*Ac*rU1zEs or WOOD. F¤¤i°¤¤’» °*¤· 195. Common wood manufactured into furniture and other articles of all kinds not specially provided_ for, whether turned, painted, varnished, or not, but not inlaid, veneered, carved, or upholstered, covered or lined with stuffs or leather, N. W., one undred kilos, two dollars and fifty cents. _ 196. Fine wood manufactured into furniture and other articles of all kinds not specially provided for, whether turned, painted, varnished, polished, or not, or upholstered, carved, or lmedwith stulfs, except silk (pure or mixed) or leather, and common . wood manufactured into furniture, and other art1cles not specially provided for, veneered with iine wood, or upholstered, covered,Nor“lined vsiith 3stu§?1lexcept silk game orimtixed) gr l ther . .oe unre `os,seven o rsan ycen. 197. Cor(i1amon,or find vnilood, manufactured into furniture, and other . articles of all kinds not specially provided foréugilt, carved, inlaid, veneered with metal, ornamented with me , or upholstered, covered or lined with silk (pure or mixed), or leather, N. one hundred kilos, twelve ollars and_fifty cents. 198. Furniture of bent wood, N. W., one hundred kilos, six dollars. 199. Barbers’ and dentists’ chairs and bar fixtures, N. W., one hundred kilos, eleven dollars. 200. Billiard tables and all parts thereof and ap urtenances, except cloth, chaglk, apdtballs, onetgnrndredl tenddollars: Promde , a none o e a ces cassi e un er parara hs one hundred and ninet Jive, one hundred and ninety-six, B` P Y one hundred and ninety-seven, one hundred and ninety-eilght, one hundred and ninety-nine, and two hundred shall pay a ess rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. °’°“P 3- Gnom- 3.—VAn1ous. ‘”‘“’°°‘l· °"°· 201. Charcoal, firewood, and other vegetable fuels, G. W., one hundred Cokilos, fifteen cents. Gork,etc. 2()2_ p ; ' (a) In the rough or in boards, G. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar an forgiy cents; (b) Manufactured, . W., one hundred kilos, ten dollars. 203. Rushes, vegetable hair, cane, osiers, fine straw, palm, genista, esparto, and other analogous materials, unmanufactured, N. W., one hundred kilos, one ollar and twenty cents. 204. The same, in (wipkerwork or furniture, N. W., one hundred kilos, eig t o lars· . (a) In other articles not specially provided for, N. W., one hundred kilos, ten dollars. ®,L,nd mmm, Cmss X. —ANIMALS AND ANIMAL WASTES EMPLOYED IN INDUSTRY. wastes, etc. G'°“° I- Guour 1.—AN1MALs. ‘“"""'· 205. Horses and mares: §a) Horses, gelded, each, ten dollars; b) Other horses and mares, each, five dollars. 206. Mules, each, five dollars. 207. Asses, each, Eve dollars.
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