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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1046

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 959 (a) Albumen paper N. W. kilo, ten cents; (b) Sensitized papei, N. VW, kilo, thirty cents; C(c) Carbon paper, N. QN., kilo, twenty cents. 188. `garette paper printe or unprinte : · (a) Ci rettc paper, printed or unprinted, in books N. W., kilo,


Iilventy ce ts l (b) In rolls, iipams; or other forms, N. W., one hundred kilos, nine dollars. . 189. Pasteboard in sheets: (a Cardboard per and fine lazed or pressed cardboard, N. E“ 5. ` W., one undred kilos, ree dollars; . (b) Other pasteboard, N. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar. 190. Manufactures oilpasteboard apddeprdboard, and manufactures of “•¤“*“’°“'°'· pa r not otherwise provi or- (a) ldxsteboard and cardboard, cut dnt, punched, or perforated, but not further elaborated, such as photograph mounts, neither embossed nor printed; visiting ca s, neither engraved nor printed; button cards, punched, but not further elaborated; cards for card indexes; and similar manufactures of pasteboard and cardboard, N. W., kilo, four cents (b) Boxes, not fancy, of common pasteboard or cardboard, cov- · ered or lined, with surface-coated or (gazed “paper, and photograph mounts, embossed or print , N . ., kilo, ten cents· (c) Boxes ol common gsteboard or cardboard, unlined or covered or lined wi common paper, N. W., kilo, five cents; (d) All other manufactures of pastcboard, cardboard, and paper not rally provided for in which pasteboard, cardboard, · _ or per is the material of chie value, such_as fancy boxes, letter files, Chinese loss money, and Chinese and Japanese lanterns, N. W., kilo, twenty cents: Provided, That none of the articles classified under this par- §¤g1*;gm_ agraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad · valorem. 191. Paste and carton pierre: (a) Unwrought, N. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars; (b) Wrought, finished or not, including moldings, N. W., kilo, fifteen cents. Cmss IX.———WooI> AND ornmz vr·:om‘ABL1: myrmuans murnouxn IN $,!:¤_:¤¤;,°_ md m INDUSTRY, AND Aarrcuss MANUFAGTURED rnmnmraou. ma¤.¤·§·,mI Gaour 1.-Woon. °¤>¤P*· 192. Ordinary wood: (a) In boards, deals, rafters, beams, round wood, and timber Mmm for shipbuilding, cubic meter, fifty cents; (b) Planed or dovetailcd for boxes and flooring, cubic meter, sixty-five cents; (c) Cases wherein imported goods are regularly and usually packed, G. W., one hundred kilos, fifteen cents. 193. Fi w od for cabinetmakers: (dxf Incboards, deals, trunks, or logs, G. W., one hundred kilos, lift G t.; (b) Sawnhri dledeers, G. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar. 194. Coopers’ wares: _ _ (a) Fitted together, G. W., one hundred kilos, sixty cents; (b) In shocks or stamps, also hoops and headings, G. W., one h d d k'los, t irty cent'; (0) YV0h1d hht flor making hogsheads or casks for sugar or molasses, G. W., one hun red kilos, ten cents: