F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 1412. 1905. 981 ing of passengers, parcels, milk, garden truck, and other small freight, with the necessary switches, turn-outs, buildings and necessary Y mechamcal devices, along the following-named route: l3eginning where new-ipuouuxuum. ‘”’ the Walker road intersects the line dividing the District of Columbia - and Prince George County, State of Maryland, desi nated on the map of the District of Columbia; thence along said Walker road northwesterly to Goodhope, District of Columbia; thence westerly along Goodhope road as designated on the map of the District of Columbia to its intersection with Harrison street, Anacostia, District of Columbia; thence westerly along Harrison street to its intersection with Monroe street, Anacostia, District of Columbia, to a `unction with the street railway of the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company: Provided, That the said comlpany shall acquire hereby no right .Ppoviso•. to extend_its said railway over, a eng, or upon any portion of the m‘1‘°°f'”‘ aforementioned route which is not now a dedicated road or street of the said District until it shall have obtained the written consent of the owners of the real property covered thereby, or acquire said right of way by_condemnation: Prmnfded, That when the route describef coin- coumymms. cides with that of a coungy road of less width than sixty feet the railway shall be constructe entirely outside the road: And provided jiu·the1·, That whenever said road shall be widened the Commissioners 1·<>¤=¤<>¤<>f¤•¤¤- of the District of Columbia are authorized to require that the tracks of said railway company shall be located in the center of the road as widened: Provided, That if at an time in the future any rt of the l{3,di<=¤¤¤¤ w the right of way of the company sllall be included within thelines of pu ° public highways, such part of the said right of way shall be dedicated · to the pu lic without expense to the District of Co umbia. Sec. 2. That the Anacostia, Surrattsville and Brand wine Electric ,,l{§° m *2:3 Railway Company and the Anacostia and Botomac Ihver Railroad mw 1¤v•r M1- Company shall have the power to make any contracts that they may deem necessary to enable the said companies to run passenger cars of each over the tracks of the other company, and also to contract for and use the power of each or either company to propel the cars of the other compan . That in case of failure to reach an agreement upon raumswnzrecterms mutuallly agreeable to each of said companies, then the supreme court of the District of Columbia is hereby authorized and directed to give hearin .· to the interested parties and tix the terms of joint trackage. Rdyments for the use of the tracks shall be made monthly. *'¤>‘¤¤¤¤¤ in advance; default in such payments shall suspend the right of the n¤1¤¤1z,¤w. company to use the tracks until such payments are made; that the motive power shall be cable, electric, compressed air, or mechanical power other than steam locomotive power; and wherever the trolley system is used a return wire, similar in capacity, situation, and insulation to the feed wire, shall be rovided for the current, and each car shall be provided with a double trolley; and no dynamo furnishing poyver to the droadiloiil any plprtion thereof, shall have either of its es connecte wit the cart . p0Smo. That all plans of location and construction shall be sub- Pl“"‘ jected to the approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Sec. 4. That excavations in the highways shall be made only under mlgshmv ¤¤=•*•· permits from the Commisshiptpeys olft e District of Columbia, and sub- ` ect to regu ations rescri y them. J Sec. 5. That thepsaid railway and its appurtenances shall be con- c ¤ .•¤d structed in a substantial and durable manner, subject to inspiction by ` the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. All c nges to existing structures in public space shall be made at the expense of the com an . S1-$0. That the said comfpany shall deposit such sums as the Cont m§°°' 0* l“'P°'“l°“ missioners of the District o Columbia may require to cover the cost `
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