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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1069

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982 FIFTY-EIGHTH ooneanss. sm. 111. cH. 1412. 1905. of ins ction and the cost of changes to public works in the streets causeafby the construction of said railwaly. _ _ mff,fg‘“’“ “’ P‘"°‘ Sec. 7. That the company shall keep the space between its rails and ·tracks and two feet exterior thereto in good condition, to the satisfaction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. The pavement of these spaces shall be at least as goodas that of the contiguous road- . way. The proper authorities shal have the right to make changes of grade and other improvements which they may deem necessary, and when any highway occupied by the company is improved the company shall bear the entire expense of improving said spaces to correspond V0!-¤>.1>·1<¤ with the remainder of the roadway. The requirements of this section shall be enforceable under the provisions of section live of the Act viding a permanent form of government for the District of Columbi-ai; approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight. Cm Sec. 8._ That the cars shall be first-class and shall be kep; in good ’ aildition, to the satisfaction of the Commissioners of the 'strict of umbia. - '*`**¤°·°*'°'°· Sec. 9. That the cars shall be run as often as public convenience requires, on a time-table satisfactory to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. _ SP°°"· Sec. 10. That the speed of the cars shall be subject to the police re ulations of the District of Columbia. · wfgffmt °* F" gmc. 11. That persons drunk, disorderly, contagiously diseased, or refusing to pay the legal fare may be ejected from the cars by the ofli- _ cers in char e thereof. ”°°‘“'“°’°‘* Sec. 12. That as far as possible articles left in the cars shall be cared iop by the company, to the end that they may be returned to the right- _ u owner.

  • “"*° °""·"°· Sec. 13. That the rate of fare which may be charged for the transportation of passen ers over the line of said company within the District of Columbia iall not exceed live cents per passenger, and six

tickets shall be sold for twenty-five cents. B"u‘u“" Sec. 14. That the company is authorized to erect and maintain the buildings necessary to the operation of this road, subject to the building regulations of the District of Columbia. The company shall erect and maintain passenger rooms and transfer stations as required by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. All passenger rooms and transfer stations shall be provided with such conveniences for the pub- . lic as said Commissioners may direct. mag °¤ ¢*°¤¤ *°· Sec. 15. That the said company, through its proper officers, shall annually, on or before August iirst. make return under oath to the board of personal tax appraisers of the District of Columbia of the amount of its gross receipts in the District of Columbia during the preceding year ending June thirtieth, and shall pay to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia, at the same time and in the same manner as other personal taxes are paid, an amount equal to four per "°°*°***°°· centum per annum thereon in lieu of other personal taxes; that the real estate of the said company in the District of Columbia shall be assessed and taxed as is other real estate in said District. °,fF,§‘j{°·'g°°g',é{jfd”· Sec. 16. That nothing in this Act shall prevent the District of Colum- ' bia, at any time, at its option, from altering the grade of any avenue street, or highway occupied by said railway, or from altering and improving streets, avenues, highways, and the sewerage thereof; and the company shall chan e its railway construction and pavements so as toconform to such gradlas and improvements as may have been or may be established. Hg'h2•¤*•P¤· ¤¤¤·· Sec. 17. That said company is authorized to construct and operate, for its own use only, telegraph and telephone lines along its railway, as herein provided for, subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia.