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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/107

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. 19 at the same time be paid to the Secretary of the Treasury and thereafter, during said exposition, and until said sum of four million six hundred thousand dollars shall have been fully paid as herein rovided, a like detailed report of said gross receipts shall be made by said) Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company on the rst and fifteenth day of each month and in the same manner and at the same time forty per centum of said gross receipts shall be paid by said com nyto said Secretary of the Treasury: _ Provided, That from and after th: first day of July, nineteen hundred mm"“'“"‘“'“‘°“"· and four, and until the said sum of four million six hundred thousand dollars shall have been fully paid, the said payments on the fifteenth and iirst day of each and every month of orty (per centum of said gpestsl recei ts shall not be less than five hundre thousand dollars: `dedfiirther, That if at any time after said ex osition company of mm has received the amount hereby appropriated it makes default in the application or in the repayment of said sum, or any part thereof, as herein required, then, and in that case, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to su(pervise the collection and take possession of all said gr-oss receipts an continue such supervision and possession until the full sum of said four million six hundred thousand dollars has been collected and repaid into the Treasury of the United States, as herein provided. In accepting the amount hereby appropriated the mggeevmcs of <¤>¤· said Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company shall be taken and held lm to agree to all the terms an conditions upon which the same is made ~ and u n which the same is to be repai into the Treasur of the _ Unitedo States: Bwided, That range cattle and halter-broge cattle E"”"“*°”°‘°°*“°- from all sections of the United States, whether above or below the quarantine line established by the Secretary of Agriculture, may be exhibited at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition under such regula- ‘ tions as may .be_preseribed by the Secretary of Ag'culture. _ _ 'Govnnnmmzsr Bormn, Lomsuiu Puncrusn mon: The Act “$'fmg*2““°‘**“’*¤ of Co ress approved June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and two, ¤.m€)¤1iea.’ p` m' entitldd "‘An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purp0ses," is hereby amended by inserting at the end and as a part ot the paragraph making an appropriation of eight hundred thousand dollars for a Government exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition to be held in the city of Saint Louis, in the State of Missouri, the following words: "]’2·m,•£¢le¢l_fiu·— {Q;';;?;, www ther, That the said United States Government Board is authorized to ctc.. in District radii rent such workshops and storage and office rooms in the District of mmm' Columbia as may be required for temporary use in connection with the preparation and safe-keepin of the said Government exhibit." And the accounting officers of the Treasury Department are hereby authorized to allow any reasonable expense heretofore incurred by said Government Board in the rental of workshops and storage and office rooms in the District of Columbia for the purpose named. _ Pxms Exrosrriouz The following provisions of the deciency appro- ggeris Fxwidend priation Act, approved July iirst, nineteen hundred and two, namely: miami. °"°xp€" °° ‘To complete the unfinished work of the late United States Commis— V°*· “”· *’· 555 sion to the International Exposition at Paris in nineteen hundred, and to defray the expenses of distributing the medals and diplomas awarded to exhibitors from the United States, to be expended under the direction of the President, there is hereby appropriated for such purposes such sums of money as have been covered into the Treasury as proceeds derived from the sale of furniture or other property used by the Commission, and to continue available during the iiscal vear nineteen hundred and three, thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-tive dollars and twenty-one cents,” are hereby further continued and the appropriation made available from the end of said fiscal year nineteen hundred and three to September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three.