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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/108

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20 FIFTYJEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 190-L. c0'fn"““’P°'““g ¤“"°' TRANSPORTATION or sirvnn COIN! To pay amounts found due by ` the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Transportation of silver eoin," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, five thousand four hundred and forty-two dollars and · seventy-two cents. c0§,’;*“¤P°’““¤ m’°°' TRANSPORTATION or muon coms: To pay amounts found dun by ' the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “Transportation of minor coins," for the Hscal year nineteen hundred and three, two thousand four hundred and fifty-five dollars- _ and eighty-four cents. c.,§,°§E°‘”“‘° °' g°‘° RECOINAGE or corn coms: To pay amounts found due by the { accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation_ "Recoinage of gold coins," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and . four, four thousand six hundred and eighty-nine dollars and ninety- _ _ three cents. s _ {°s;,?j,{f,,§’g*,},‘}_‘,{’,§,§,,,,S PAY·OF ASSISTAPTT CUSTODIAIFS AND JANITORSZ For pay of assistant audjauiwm- custodians and jamtors, ineludin all personal services 1D connection with the care of all public buildings under control of the Treasury Department outside of the District of Columbia, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, twenty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall so apportion this sum as to revent a deficiency therein. Furniture. err- ISURNITURE AND REPAIRS or FURNITURE: For furniture and repairs of same, carpets, and gas and electric—light fixtures, for all public buildings, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, andassay offices, under the control of the Treasury Department, and for furniture, carpets, gas and electric—light tixtures for new buildings, exclusive of ersonal services, except for work done by contract, eighty thousand dollars. And all furniture now owned by the United States in other public buildings shall be used, so far as practicable. whether · it corresponds with the present regulation plan for furniture or not. Sw ¤"¤>¤¤¤°<>·C“‘· For furnishin complete in every detail the new post-office and court-house building at San Francisco, California, one hundred thousand dollars. — 'ggt **8***-*- md FUEL, uorrrs, AND WATDR FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS: For the purchase . of fuel, steam, light, water, water meters, ice, lighting supplies, elec; tric current for light and ower purposes, and miscellaneous items for the use of the custodians` Forces in the care of the buildings, furniture, and heating, hoisting, and ventilating apparatus, and electric-light plants. exclusive of personal service, an for expenses of installin electric-light plants, electric-light wiring, and repairs thereto, in such buildings completed and occupied as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, for al public buildings, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, under the control of the Treasury Department, inclusive of new buildings, sixty-five thousand dollars. And the appropriation herein made for as shall include the rental and use of gas governors, when ordererT by the (,*1;;*;,*;*; emma Secretary of the Treasury in writing: ]’r0véded, That no sum shall be paid as rental for such gas overnors greater than thirty-tive per centum of the actual value of tzihe gas saved thereby, which saving shall be determined by such tests as the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct. No portion of the amount herein appropriated shall he used for operating a system of pneumatic tubes for the transmission of postal matter. w$ljj£;‘*Q;§_ °°“¤‘ SU1>1>·m·:ssING COUNTERFEITING AND OTHER GRIMES: For expenses ' incurred under the authority or with the approval of the Secretarv of the Treasury in detecting. arresting, and deliverin into the custody of the United States marshal having iurisdiction, deairs and pretended dealers in counterfeit money, and persons en ged in counterfeiting Treasury notes. bonds, national-bank notes, anngbther securities of the