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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1075

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988 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1419. 1905. of the southern district of Alabama; and the courts of said southern division shall be held in Mobile, as now provided by law. N¤rth¤rq¤ivi¤i¤¤¤f Sec. 2. That a term of the circuit court and of the district court for ”¥£T,?§gi$ the northern division of the southern judicial district of the State of ‘ K9?-;;’°•· 5'”· °‘“· Alabama shall be held in Selma, in Dallas County, in said State, on pp`` the first Monday in November and the first Monday in May in each year; and it shall be the duty of the clerk, marshal, and other officers. of the southern judicial district to attend said terms of said court and perform all the duties pertaining to their positions, and no additional clerk or marshal shall be appointed in said district. If in the opinion of the court it shall become necessary, a deputy clerk may be appointed: mm. Bwvided, hnwever, That suitable rooms and accommodations are fur- "°“"’ '°°'“· nished for the holdings of said courts free of expense to the Government of the United States. . sum me or c 1cm Sec. 3. That all suits not of a local nature in the circuit and district. ""'“°‘ courts against a single defendant, inhabitant of said State, must be · brought m the division of the district where he resides; but if there are two or more defendants residing in different divisions of the district such suits may be brought in either division. All issues of fact. ‘ in said suits shall be tried at the term of the court held in the division where the suit is so brought. prosecution or Sec. 4. That prosecutions for crime or offenses hereafter committed °““‘°* in any of the counties of the northern division shall be cognizable within such division; and all prosecutions for crime or offenses heretofore committed within either of said counties, taken, as aforesaid, from the middle and southern districts, or committed in the middle or southern districts as hitherto constituted, shall be commenced and proceeded with as if this Act had not been passed. ¤h_T1r¤¤¤f¤r¤fp¤¤¤i¤s Sec. 5. That all civil suits and proceedings now pending in the cir- °°°”` cuit or district courts of either district or division from which the counties constituting this division have been taken, and which would, after the passage of this Act, be required to be brought within the northern division of said southern district, may be transferred by consent of all parties or by order of the court to said northern division of said district, and there disposed of in the same manner and with . like effect as if the same had been instituted therein; and all processes, writs, and recoignizances relating to such suits and proceedings so transferred sha be considered as belonging to the term of the court in the northern division of said southern district, and in the same manner and with like effect as if they had been issued or taken in ref- ~ erence thereto originally. Mifsgggcogtmsww Sec. 6. That in all cases of removal of suits from the courts of the ` State of Alabama to the courts of the United States in the southern and middle districts of Alabama such removal shall be made to the United States courts in the division in which the county is situated from which the removal is made, and the time within which such removal shall be rfected, in so far as it refers to or is regulated by the terms of the Uiiited States courts, shall be deemed to refer to the terms of the United States courts in such division. 1¤¤>¤· Sec. 7. That all grand and petit jurors summoned for service in each P¤>¤•=¤¤~ division shall be residents of such division. All mesne and final process subject to the provision hereinbefore contained issued in either of said divisions may be served and executed in either or all of said N°**l>¤¤ dm 'M dugsmngi Th t th t d`' f th h d ¤. . ¤ - mc. . a e wes ern 1v1sion o e nort ern istrict of the X§“il§»'§2.‘a.°"‘“‘°“ °°` State of Alabama is hereby established, composed of the counties of ¥§;;,“§°·,5f’·1l§;,Q‘,‘§;,_ Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Greene, Sumter, and Pickens, and a term of the l*>Q£•é_ mm m M circuit and district court of the western division of the northern dispp. eas,'120.trict of Alabama shall be held in Tuscaloosa, in Tuscaloosa County in said State, on the first Tuesday in January and June of each year; and