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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1076

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHs. 1419,1420. 1905. 989 it shall the duty of the clerk marshal, and other officers of the northern judicial district of said State to attend said terms of court and perform all the duties pertaining to their positions, and no additiona clerk or marshal shall be appointed in said district. If in the opinion of the court it shall become necessary, a deputy clerk may be ` appointed: Provided however, That suitable rooms and accommoda- MM- tions shall be furnished for the holding of said court free of ex use °°m"°°m` to the Government of the United States. All other provisions olllzhis mP'g,Yj,§,°(}},*‘{,',°°”'*‘ Act relating to the northern division of the southern district of Ala-' bama shall, as far as practicable, relate and apply to the western division of the northern district of Alabama. Sm. 9. That in all prosecutions for crimes or offenses heretofore u§j;f‘°°““°“ °* committed within either the northern, middle, or southern districts of Alabama, as hitherto constituted, such prosecutions shall be commenced and proceeded with in each of said districts, respectively, the same as if this Act had not been passed. This Act shall be in force from and E¢Y¤<=¤- after April first, anno Domini nineteen hundred and live. All laws and Repeal. parts o laws inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1420.-—An Act To enable independent school district, numbered twelve, M¤¤=¤ 3- 1905- Roseau County, Minnesota,-to purchase certain lands. [S' 6522*] [Public, Nc. usa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representato?ves of the United 1 States of Americain Congress assembled, That Nay may puck, to whom u§,g°°*“ °°‘*¤*¥· the Secretary of the Interior was authorized by the Act of Congress Nsé may puck suof May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two (Thirty-second mggl 'u°°' Statutes at two hundred and sixty-one), to allot lands in V°*·”·¤’°*· severalty on the portion of the Red Lake Reservation, Minnesota, such allotment to be subject to the provisions of the Act of Congress of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (Twenty-fourth Statutes at Large, page three hundred and eighty- V°l·“·P·““ eight), is hereby authorized to sell and comiiy to independent school district, numbered twelve, Roseau County, innesota the followingdescribed lands, being a part of the lands selected for allotment D H N by the said Na may puc : Beginning at a point on the bank of °°° ° °°' the Warroad lliver thirty-three feet west of quarter section line running north and south through section twenty-nine, township one hundred and sixty-three north, of range thirty-six west, fifth principal meridian; thence northerly along the west side of State street, in Moody’s addition to the original town site of Warroad, a distance of three hundred and forty feet to a point on the south side of the Roseau-Warroad road; thence angle one hundred and twenty-four de ees thirty minutes in a northwesterly direction along the southerly sig of said road a distance of seven hundred feet; thence angle ninety degrees in a southwesterly direction a distance of one hundred and sixty-five feet to bank of Warroad River; thence in a southeasterly direction along the bank of said Warroad River to the lplace of beginning, containing about four acres and being a part of ot one, section twenty-nine, township one hundred and sixty-three north, of range thirty-six west, of the fifth principal meridian, Minnesota, such conveyance, however, to be sub]ect to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, and when so approved shall convey a fee-simple title to said school district the same as if a iinal patent had been issued to said Indian without restrictions as to alienation. Approved, March 3, 1905.