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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1083

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996 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 1427. 1905. transfer shall be made, and all such suits and proceedings so transferred shall be heard and disposed of in the regular way at the terms of said courts for the eastern district of Illinois to be held at Danville, East ,,';‘f,'Q:°,g,,,,,_ Saint Louis, and Cairo, respectively, as herein provided: Provided, That all motions and causes submitted and all causes and proceedings ‘ in law, equity, admiralty, or bankruptcy, pending at the time of the taking efect of this Act in the northern and southern districts of Illinois as heretofore constituted, in which the evidence has been taken in whole or in part before the judges of the said northern and southern district of Illinois as heretofore constituted or taken in whole or in part and submitted to and passed upon by the said judges shall be , retained, proceeded with, and disposed of in said northern and southern districts of Illinois, respectively, as constituted by this Act. mP**>ljg;1j,¤d8°· °*<=·· Sec. 18. That the district judge of the southern district of Illinois in °°office at the time this Act takes effect shall continue to be the district judge for the southern district of Illinois, as constituted by this Act; that the clerk of the circuit court for the southern district of Illinois in office at the time this Act takes effect shall continue to be clerk of the circuit court of the southern district of Illinois, as constituted by this Act, until his successor is appointed and ualilied, and the clerk of the district court of the southern district of Illinois in office at the time this Act takes effect shall continue to be clerk of the district court of the ` southern district of Illinois until his successor is duly appointed and qualified, and said clerks of the circuit and district courts of the southern district of Illinois in office at the time this Act takes eifect shall also be clerks of the circuit and district courts of the eastern district of Illinois, respectively, as constituted by this Act until their successors are duly appointed and qualified. m°s;fu°tj`*;rg°g§HQ{”g Sec. 19. hat all officers not residing in said southern district of ` Illinois, as constituted by this Act, shal cease to be officers of said southern district when their successors, respectively, for said southern district of Illinois, as hereby constituted, are duly appointed and quali- M¤r¤h¤1.¤¤= fied. The office of marshal and district attorney in each of said southern and eastern districts of Illinois, deputy marshals and assistant district attorneys, and all other officers authorized b law and made necessary by the creation of said eastern district of Illinois and the vmiucua provisions of this Act, and all vacancies created in either of said districts shall be filled in the manner now provided by law for the a intment of said officers, respectively, in the southern district of Illihois <><>¤i>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·¢*¤- as the same has heretofore existed. The salaries, pay, fees, and allowances of all officers of the eastern district of Illinois shall be the same as heretofore allowed, respectively, for the same officers in the southern district of Illinois as heretofore constituted. $3}:;*: i¤ Sec. 20. That all officers who have heretofore been appointed for the southern district of Illinois, as heretofore constitute , who shall be in office at the time of taking effect of this Act and who reside in said southern district as heretofore existing shall continue in their offices, respectively, of the district of their respective residences, as created by this Act, until the expiration of their respective terms of appointment, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and s all perform the same duties and receive the same salaries and compensation as heretofore. m§_{*,fe*j_;¤lB'g;g;1¤erL¤ Sec. 21. That special terms of the circuit and district courts may and muém mace.' be held in the northern, southern, and eastern districts of Illinois whenever such special terms are deemed necessary by the judges of said courts, respectively, and the time or times of holding such special sessions of said courts shall be fixed by the judges of said courts, rerspectively, either by a rule of such courts or by special O1' general 0 er of such courts entered of record in said courts.