rirrr-r11o11*rH oonounss. sm. 111. cu. 1427. 1905. 995 That the terms of the circuit and district courts in and forsaid ',{°’g‘°g;,,§°g;',°~,58_ southern district of Illinois shall be held as now rovided by law, and, 1>i>.€>¤.`i¤>.' at the city of Peoria., in the northern division of) said district, on the third Monday? of April and October of each ear. Sec. 11. at the- marshal and the clerks of, the circuit and district 0¤¤¤¤¢ 1’¤¤¤¤— courts for the southern district of Illinois in addition to the offices now maintained by them shall, respectively, maintain an office at the cit of Peoria. Sync. 12. That there shall be, and hereby is, created an additional m1,i'{‘?,l§,°,§‘{,f,‘;j*,i,‘§,*fl°i* judicial district in the State of Illinois to be known as the eastern dis- &¤I;!§é£¤>- W5. P- 9°· trict of Illinois, and the same shall consist of the following named ' counties in Illinois, to wit: Kankakee, Iroquois, Ford, Vermilion, Cham- C°“¤°*°¤°°¤=P*i¤*¤8· paign, Piatt, Moultrie, Douglas, Edgar, Shelby, Coles, Clark, Cumber and, Eiiin ham, Fayette, Marion, Clay, Jasper, Crawford, Lawrence, Riciland, Clinton, Saint Clair, Washington, Jefferson, Wayne, Edwards, Wabash, White, Hamilton, Frank in, Perry, Randolph, Monroe, Gallatin, Saline, Williamson, Jackson, Hardin, Pope, Johnson, Union, Alexander, Pulaski, and Massac. Sec. 13. That the President, by and with the advice and consent of j,,’$,§Q’§:,,’}*m°“° °t the Senate, shall appoint for said eastern district of Illinois a district ` judge, a marshal, and a district attorney, except where any such officer ` is retained as hereinafter provided; and clerks for said circuit and district courts shall be appointed in the same manner as is now proyhdedby law with respect to such officers in the southern district of ° ‘ no1s. · Sec. 14. That the courts and the judges of said_ eastern district of ·‘l°°"u°°*°°‘ Illinois, shall within said district, respectively possess the same jnu·isdiction and powers, civil, criminal, equitable, or otherwise, and perform the same duties as are now respectively possessed and rformed by the circuit and district courts and judges of the Unitedw States of the southern district of Illinois. Sec. 15. That the district judge of said eastern district of Illinois P“Y"‘J‘“’€°· shall receive the same compensation as is now by law provided for the district judge of the southern district of Illinois; and the marshal, dis- Fmtrict attorney, and clerks of the circuit and district courts shall severally possess the powers and perform the duties in said eastern district lawfully possessed and performed by the like omcers in the said southern district of Illinois and shall be respectively entitled to like fees, compensation, and emoluments, and, until otherwise provided by law, the salaries herein prescribed or provided for shall be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 16. That the terms of the circuit an district courts in and for cQ`f,!’:°·g;gt°¤gj}{;’; said eastern district of Illinois shall be held at the city of Danville, must' commencing on the first Mondays of March and September of each ,,$;;§°j§f°“ m' 668* year, and at the city of Cairo, commencing on the hrst Mondays of April and October of each year, and at the cit of East Saint Louis, commencing on the tirst Monday of May and libvember of each year. Sec. 17. That all civil causes and proceedings of every name and fmwghzkmgg nature, including proceedings in bankruptcy, now pending in the mumemrmmcm. courts of the northern and southern districts of Illinois as heretofore constituted, whereof the courts of the eastern district of Illinois, as hereby constituted, would have had jurisdiction if the said eastern district of Illinois and the courts thereof had been constituted when said causes or proceedings were instituted, shall be, and are hereby, transferred to, and same shall be proceeded with in, the eastern district of Illinois, and jurisdiction thereof is hereby transferred to and vested in the courts of said eastern district, and the records and proceedings therein and relating to said proceedings and causes shal be certified and transferred thereto; and such records and proceedings when so certihed and transferred shall thenceforth constitute a part of the record of said causes, respectively, in the court to which such
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1082