1012 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1444,1445. 1905. assessed, and shall be collected as special improvement taxes in the District of Columbia, and shall be payable in five equal annual installments, with interest at the rate of four per centum per annum from and after sixty days after the condrination of the verdict and award. m£*;'j*,°g_g;1'{;;fH;°‘ In all cases of payments the accounting officers shall take into account ' the assessments for benefits and the award for damages, and shall pay only such part of said award in respect of any lot as may be in excess of the assessment for benefits against the part of such lot nottaken, and there shall be credited on said assessment the amount of said ggard not in excess of said assessment. ' P¤>¢‘¢¢¤i¤8¤· That said court may allow amendments in form or substance in any petition, process, record, or proceeding, or in the description of prop- - erty proposed to be taken or of property assessed for eneiits whenever suc amendments will not interfere with the substantial rights of the parties interested. · ¤fg'¤P°°¤*“°¤ °* iw Sec. 9. That each juror shall receive as compensation the sum of five °dollars r day for his services during the time he shall be actually engageddn such services under the provisions hereof. ¤·;gg?{"*'*°” *°’ bac. 10. That thelsum of three hundred dollars is hereby appropri- ` ated, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to provide the . necessary funds for the costs and expenses of the condemnation pro- ` · ceeédings talaelpapumuantelgirgm. d f - h d ·*PP°*lP ¤°* °° °'~“ mc. 11. t no a an intereste rty rom the ecision ?¢Z.°p°¤m8 of mm' of the supreme courhpof the Dibstrict of Collhmbia contirmin the assessment or assessments of benefits or damages herein provided for, nor any other proceeding at law or in equity by such lparty against the contirmation of such assessment or assessments, shal delay or prevent the payment of award to others in respect to the property condemned, nor delay or prevent the taking of any of said property sought to be Qhtofnualdg condemned, nor the opening of such street: Provzded, however, That ¢=i¤i¤i¤- upon the final determination of said aippeal or other proceeding at law or in equity the amount found to be ue and payable as damages sustained bv reason of the extension of said street under the provisions hereof shall be paid as hereinbefore provided. Approved, March 3,1905. much 3. 1906. CHAP. 1445.-An Act To amend section six hundred and two of an Act entitled __ [H- K _“‘°"·l _ "An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia," as amended. Public, No. 178. [ I Be it enacted by the Senate and [Imc0e of Rep¢·esen¢a¢z°vea of t/ae Uiaited c0‘{,‘j"*°‘°‘C°l“mb*“ States of America in Congress assembled, That section six hundred and vni. ai. v- m4. two of an Act entitled "An Act to establish a code of law for the Dis- "'“°"d°°‘ trict of Columbia," approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, as amended by the Acts approved January thirty-first and June thirtieth, nineteen hundred andp two, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: df§g:'°*¢¤’=· °¤=-··°· "Sec. 602. Any existing benevolent, charitable, educational, musical, nemcorponnun. literary, scientific, religious, or missionary corporation incorporated under the provisions of this Act, including societies formed for mutual improvement, may reincorporate or may continue the term of its existence beyond the time specified in its original certificate of incorporation, or by law, or in any certificate of continuance of corporate existence, or may change its name by the written consent of two-thirds of its trustees or directors or other overning board, which consent in the case of a stock corporation shall be accom anied by the written consent of the owners of two-thirds of the capitalistock of the corporawfsfmm °* °¤· tion. A certificate that such consent or consents have been duly
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