F11? TY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 1445-1447. 1905. 10].3 given, containingvthe original name and the new name of the corporation, 1f_the same s been changed, and the term of corporate existence as continued shall be subscribed and acknowledged by the president or v1ce-president and bv the secretary or assistant secretary of such corporation, and shall be filed with such consent or consents in the office of the recorder of deeds, to be recorded by him. U n the filin Rlclm ¤‘¤¤¤f¤¤¤¢ of such certificate all the rights, powers, pro erty, and edgcts of such existing corporation subject to existing liabilities shall vest in and belong to the corporation so reincorporated, continued, or PCH8H18d.,, Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1446.-An Act Granting certain lands to the city of Tacoma, in the State Much 3· 1995 of Washington, for use as a public park. [K K "°l°·] [Public, No. 179.] Be it enacted by the Senate and %u.se of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the title and fee to lots ,l;¤bli¤l¤¤d¤w IL one, two, and three of section ten, and lots one, two, and three, and giarieiéhiibtiércrpiiinié _ the south half of the southwest quarter of section fourteen. and lots °°"‘· one, two, three, four, five, and six, and the east half of the southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section fifteen, of township twerety-one north, range two east, Willamette meridian, in the State of ashington, be, an the same are hereby, granted to the city of Tacoma, in the county of Pierce in said State, for its use as a publicdpark; subject, however, to the right of the United States to at any B¤*¤¤¤¤· an all time and in any manner assume control of, hold, use, and occupjti-without license, consent, or leave from said city any or all of said for any and all military, naval, or lighthouse purposes, freed from conveyances, charges, encumbrances, or liens ma e, created, rmitited, or sanctioned thereon by said city: And provided, That the ,_·’;’g{jf*{*:b,,,ty M United States shall not be or become liable for any damages or com- damages. pensation whatever to the city of Tacoma for any future use by the Government of any or all of the above-described land for any of the above-mentioned purposes: And provided fur·the1·, That if said lands T°'°"°”““°*“*"‘· shall not be used as a public park the same or such parts thereof not so used shall revert to the United States. Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1447.——An Act To extend the time within which actions for the recovery March s, 1906. of duties paid in Porto Rico may be brought in the Court of Claims under the Act of [K B- mm] April twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and two. [Public, Nc.1s0.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe 0_f1fqn·esentat¢}ves of the Unital ` iS'fat»».·¢ of America in (jbnyrexs assembled, That the time within which ?,’,g’,{1*g*;$],g;*_§*°}-0 actions may be brought in the Court of Claims for the recovery of {ns mamsnn- mana. customs duties id to the military authorities in the island of Porto ““‘ Rico u on articl; imported from the several States and entered at the several) ports of entry in Porto Rico from and including April eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, to May first, nineteen hundred, under the Act of April twenzyminth, nineteen hundred and V°*·32· 1*-*7** two, chapter six hundred and forty 0 the laws of the Fifty-seventh Congress, first session, be. and it is hereby, extended until six months from the date of the passage of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1905.
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