1016 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1452. 1905. March 8.1906. CHAP. 1452.-An Act To ratify and amend an agreement with the Indians resid- [H- R· IW] ing on the Shoshone or Wind River Indian Reservation in the State of Wyoming and [rubric, Nc. 185.] to make appropriations for carrying the same into effect. P'°*”¤*’l°· Whereas James McLaughlin, United States Indian inspector, did on _ the twenty-first day of April, nineteen hundred and four, make and conclude an agreement with the Shoshone and Arapahoe tribes of Indians belonging on the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation in the State of Wyoming, which said agreement is in words and ligures as follows:
- §{gg¤°°° WM This ement made and entered into on the twenty—iirst day of
iiigne uréiviiiilckiiig April, uiiigiesu hundred and four, by and between James McLaughlin, R°“°"'“"°"’w"°‘ United States Indian Ins tor, on the rt of the United States, and the Shoshone and Ara hdce tribes of Iiildians belonging on the Shoshone or Wind River Lildian Reservation, in the State of Wyoming, witnesseth: L•“**¤ °°"°"· Airrrona I. The said Indians belonging on the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, Wyoming, for the consideration hereinafter named, ‘ do hereby cede, grant, and relin uish to the United States, all right, title, and interest which they mayqhave to all the lands embraced within the said reservation, except the lands within and boundedby the following described lines: Beginning in`the midchannel of the Big Wind River at a point where said stream crosses the western boundary of the said reservation; thence in a southeasterly direction following the midchannel of the Big Wind River to its conjunction with the Little Wind or Big Popo—Agie River, near the northeast corner of township one south, range four east; thence up the midchannel of the said Bi Popo-A 'e River in a southwesterl direction to the mouth of the N orth Fork ofgl the said Big Popo-Agie Biver; thence up the midchannel of said North Fork of the Big Popo—Agie River to its intersection with the southern boundary of the said reservation, near the southwest corner of section twenty-one, townshi two south, range one west; thence due west along the said southern boundary of the said reservation to the southwest corner of the same; thence north along the western boundary of said reservation to the place of beginning: Provided, A¤•>¤¤¤¤¤q¤ mm- That any individual Indian, a member of the Shoshone or Arapahoe · °"°' tribes, who has, under existing laws or treaty stipulations, selected a tract of land within the portion of said reservation hereby ceded, shall be entitled to have the same allotted and confirmed to him or her, and any Indian who has made or received an allotment of land within the ceded territory shall have the right to surrender such allotment and select other lands within the diminished reserve in lieu thereof at any time before the lands hereby ceded shall be opened for entry. Dhvculvllmdm Anrxcnn II. In consideration of the lands ceded, granted, relinquished, and conve red by Article I of this agreement. the United States stipulates and agrees to dis e of the same as hereinafter provided under the provisions of thgs homestead, town-site, coal, and mineral land laws, or by sale for cash as hereinafter provided at the . following prices per acre: All lands entered under the homestead law within two years after the same shall be opened for entry shall be paid for at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents per acre; after the expiration of this pleriod, two years, all lands entered under the homestead law, within t ree years therefrom, shall be paid for at the rate of one dollar and twenty ·five cents per acre; that all homestead entry- men who shall make entry of the lands herein ceded, within two years after the opening of the same to entry., shall pay one dollar and fiftv cents per acre for the land embraced in their entry, and for all of the said lands thereafter entered under the homsetead law, the sum of one dollar and twentydive cents Fper acre shall be paid; payment in all cases to be made as follows: ifty cents per acre at the time of making