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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1102

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F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1451. 1905. 1015 CHAP. 1451.-An Act Authorizin the Louisa. and Fort Ga Bri m , of Nmh 3· 1906- Louisa, Kentucky, to erect a bridge across the Tug and Lewiisa ggf €ligyBig [H' K 179%] Sandy River. [mane, No. na.] Be it enacted In; the Senate and House of R;€resentate}ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the Louisa and Fort }}§,§j”d_{n*f,*'°{,0n Gay Bridgp Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the Gay Bridge com- State of entucky, its successors or assigns, are hereby authorized £{L`"'b,,'¥,ZY,c,,°",'l§f; and empowered to erect, establish, maintain, and operate a bridge ‘·°“*“· KY across the Big Sandy River, or both branches thereof, at a point smtable to the interests of navigation, at or near the city of Louisa, Ken- · tucky, which said bridge may be used for eneral traffic purposes. Sec. 2. That said bridgle shall be built and located under and subject ,,$f‘T,,'$§'§’l,,Q°{ w" °° to such regulations for the security of navigation as the Secretar of VVar may prescribe, and to secure that object the said Louisa and 1; ort Gay Bridge Company shall submit for his examination designs and drawings of the bridge and maps of the location, giving for the space of one- alf mile above and one—half mile below the proposed location the topography of the banks of the river, shore lines at low and high water, the irection and strength of the currents, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plans and location are approved by him the bridge shall not be commenced or built. Sec. 3. That said bridge shall be kept and managed so as to offer g_l£‘,{”'““*’“° “*'*· reasonable and proper means for the Tssage of vessels through or ` under the same, and any changes in said ridge which the Secretary of War may at any time eem necessary to be made and shall prescribe shall accordingly be made by the said Louisa and Fort Gay Bridge Company, its successor or assigns, to conform to the instruction of e Secretary of War. - · Sec. 4. That the bridge constructed, maintained, and operated under ,,f;,‘p‘§,“,},u§’f,Y“°‘“'° this Act and according to its limitations, shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, and no higher charge shall be made for the transportation over the same and over the approaches thereto of the mails, troops, and munitions of war of the Lnited States than is charged for like services for the general public; and the United States shall have the right of way for postal-tele m'f,,‘"§§€'*"‘l'*‘· °‘°·· graph and telephone purposes over said bridge and approaches; and equahxprivileges in the use of said bridge and approaches shall be _ — gran to all telegraph and telephone companies; and if said bridge (,(_$,$_m,ff,{ ’“""°"’ shall be constructed as a railroad bridge all railroad companies desiring the use thereof shall have and beentitled to equal rights and (privileges relative to the passage of trains and cars over the same an over the approaches thereto, upon payment of a reasonable compensation for such use, and in case of disagreement between the parties in regard to the compensation to be paid or the conditions to be observed, a l matters at issue shall be determined by the Secretary of War. Tim of mnmw . Sm`. 5. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of mm. said bridge be not commenced in one year and completed in three years from the date hereof. A dm L Sec. 6. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby '"°" °" expressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1905.