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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1105

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1018 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. cu. 1452. 1905. possible among the men, women and children of the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation. S°h°°l¤· Anrrcnn VI. It is further agreed that the sun1 of fifty thousand dollars of the moneys derived from the sales of said ceded lands shall be set aside as a school fund, the principal and interest on which at four per centum per annum shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the erection of school buildings and maintenance of schools on the diminished reservation, which schools shall be under the supervision and control of the Secretary of the Interior. ` ,,,€{§_"°"l "°“'"" ARTICLE VII. It is further agreed that all the moneys received in payment for the lands hereby ceded and relincauished, not set aside as required for the various specific purposes an uses herein provided for, shall constitute a general welfare and improvement fund, the interest on which at four per centum per annum shall be annually expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the benefit of the said Indians; the same to be expended for such purposes and in the purchase of such articles as the Indians in council may decide upon mg] umm, and the Secretary of the Interior approve: Provided, @2ever, That a

  • ¤¤· reasonable amount of the principal of said fund may also be expended

each year for the erection, repair and maintenance of bridges needed on the reservation, in the subsistence of indigent and infirm persons belonging on the reservation, or for such other purposes for the comfort, benefit, improvement, or education of said Indians as the Indians in council may direct and the Secretary of the Interior approve. And it is further agreed that an accounting shall be made to said Indians in the month of J ulv in each year until the lands are fplly paid for, and the funds hereinbefore referred to shall, for the period of ten ` years after the opening of the lands herein ceded to settlement, be used in the mamier and for the pmgposes herein provided, and the future disposition of the balance of said funds remaining on hand shall then be the subject of further agreement between the United States and the said Indians. Prwwde Airrrcnm VIII. It is further agreed that the proceeds received from the sales of said lands, in conformity with the provisions of this agree- . · ment, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States and paidto the Indians belonging on the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, or expended on their account only as provided in this agreement. uniiiirfruiaiggetgsmt Anrrcmu IX. It is understood that nothinlg in this agreement conszc. ’ tained shall in any manner bind the Unite States to purchase any portion of the land herein described, except sections sixteen and thirty- six or the ecppivalent in each township or to dispose of said land except as provided erein, or to guarantee to find urchasers for said land or any lportion thereof, it being the understanding that the United States shal act as trustee for said Indians to dispose of said lands and to expend for said Indians and pay over to them the proceeds received from the sale thereof only as received, as herein provided. m¤¤?2d¤s rishrs not AKHCLE X. It is further understood that nothing in this agreement °°shall be construed to deprive the said Indians of the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, Wyoming, of any benefits to which they are entitled under existing treaties or agreements, not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement. num. Anrrcnn XI. This agreement shall take effect and be in force when ‘ sggned by U. S. Indian Inspector James McLau hlin and by a majority o the male adult Indians parties hereto, and when accepted and ratified by the Congress of the United States. In witness whereof, the said James McLaughlin, U. S. Indian Inspector, on the part of the United States, and the male adult Indians belonging on the Shoshone or Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyo-