FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. l Ch. 1452. 1905. 1019 ming, have hereunto set their hands and seals at the Shoshone Agency,
- Vyoming, this twenty-first day of April, A. D. Nineteen hundred and
our. J Amzs MCLAUGHHN, [smn.] U. S. Indian Inspector. Noi Name. Age. Mark. Tribe. l George Terry .. 48 Shoshone (Seal). 2 { Myron Hunt .. 48 X - " (Seal). { (And 280 more Indian signatures.) l We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing agreement was fully explained by us in open council to the In ians of the Shoshone or ·Wind River Reservation, Wyoming; that it was fully understood by them before signing, and that the agreement was duly executed and signed by 282 of said Indians. ' ‘ Cinnnns Luton, Shoshone Interpreter. Mrcnam. Manson, Arapahoe Interpreter. Snosuonm Aemxcr, Wromxue, · April 22, 1904. , We, the uudersggned, do hereby certify that we witnessed the signatures of James cLaughlin, U. S. Indian Inspector, and of the two hundred and $?hty-two (282) Indians of the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, yoming, to the foregoing agreement. , Jour: Ronmrrs, Missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church on the Reservation. Jomv S. Cmmcuwruzn, Assistant Clerk, Shoshone Agency, Wyo. Snosuorm Aonxcr, WYo:mNo, April 22nd, 1904. I hereby certify that the total number of male adult Indians, over eighteen (18) years of age, belonging on the Shoshone or .V\'ind River Reservation, (yoming, IS four hundred and eiglhtyfour (484), of whom two hundred an eighty-two (282) have signed the foregoing agreement. H. E. Wansworrm, _ U. .S. Indian Agent. Suosuoxm AGENGY, Wromiw, April 22nd, 1904. Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofltepreaentatives of the United States nj'.-lmerica in Limgresn assembled, That the said agreement be, mAgre+§¤p¤r2 vague and the same is hereby, accepted, ratified, and confirmed, except as to e.i°»·:za0‘i¤E.°uvi·y¢i°iQ Articles II, III, and X, which are amended and modified as follows, **’“°“'*°*‘”“°’°'*“°*‘— and as amended and modified are accepted, ratified, and confirmed: Anrxcu; ll. In consideration of the lands ceded, granted, relin- ¤i¤r<¤·¤¤<•f ¤¤¤<i~» quished, and conveyed by Article I of this agreement, the United States stipulates and agrees to dispose of the same, as hereinafter provided, under the provisions of the homestead, town—site, coal and mineral land laws, or by sale for cash, as hereinafter- provided, at _ the following prices per acre: All lands entered under the homestead H°'”°*"°“‘* ““"‘°“-