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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1112

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l·`IF'l`Y—ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1454. 1905. 1025 ing apparatus to be operated by one person, disengaging both ends of the boat simultaneously from the tackles by which it may ` be lowered to the water. And the board of supervising inspectors _ une-carrying pre shall fix and determine, by their rules and regulations, the character of ’°°°u°°‘ °°°` lifeboats, floats, rafts, life—preservers, linecarrying projectiles, and the means of propelling them, and drags that shall be used on such vessels, and also the character and capacity of pumps or other appliances for freeing the steamer from water in case of heav leakage, the capacitv of such pumps or appliances being suited to the navigation in which V the steamer is employed. Every vessel subject to the provisions of this 6 Q}f°‘Q,'g§°"°’ ‘°* · title shall, while in operation, carry one life-preserver for each. and 9 pe M every person allowed to be carried on said vessel by the certificate of ‘ inspection, including each member of the crew: Provided, ll/}‘7L’¢"l7€7’, HMM- · That upon such vessels and under such conditions as are specified in S¤b¤rir¤ri<>¤<>f¤<>¤¤. section forty-four hundred and eightvtwo floats may be substituted for life-preservers. Any person w 0 willfully and knowing} manu- m_§*lg5$',f,;,$,§;{jP{f}; factures or sells, or offers for sale, or has in his possession with intent pnkwmpmnirmsi to sell, life—preservers containin metal or other nonbuoyant material, for the purpose of increasing tds weight thereof, or more metal or other such material than is reasonably necessary for the construction thereof, or who shall so manufacture, sell, offer for sale, or possess with intent to sell any other articles commonly used for preservation of life or the prevention of fire on board vessels subject to the provisions of this title, which articles shall be so defective as to be inefficient to accomplish the purposes for which they are respectively intended and designed, shall upon conviction, be fined not more than two thousand P°¤•**¥· ~ dollars, and may, in addition thereto,·in the discretion of the court, be imprisoned not exceeding five years." nc. 4. That section forty-four hundred and ninety-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: — “ Sec. -1-499. lf any vessel propelled in whole or in part by steam t0?,?:;}; *°¤‘ *¤*¤¤‘¤ be navigated without complying with the terms of this title, the owner a.s.,¤é6.mo. p. sas, shall be liable to the United States in a enalty of five hundred dollars ‘““°"‘l°d‘ for each offense, one-half for the use of the informer, for which sum the vessel so navigated shall be liable, and may be seized and proceeded against by way of libel in any district court of the United States having jurisdiction of the offense. Persons or corporations ,,_,{'jl""‘°’°"· °‘*°·· "°“‘ chartering or engaging or contracting for the use of vessels subject to this title, under such terms and conditions that they have full and exclusive control of the management and operation of such vessels, shall be subject to the same penalties for vio ations of the provisions of this title asare now imposed upon owners of vessels thereunder, and in such cases the owners shall not be liable to such penalties for such violations by such charterers or contractors}' Sec. 5. That section fifty-three hundred and forty-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 5344. Every captain, engineer, pilot, or other person 0,*;¥_{*gF¤u*j;¤S;f_<;j({‘$~;~; employed on any steamboat or vessel, by whose misconduct, negli- of 0mm-._ ..»·m—¤, gence, or inattention to his duties on such vessel the life of any person §§.'f""“"‘“· “"*"""°'· is destroyed, and every owner, charterer, inspector, or other public mg, _§£h€$géd'·¢**4- v- oflicer, through whose fraud, neglect. connivance, misconduct, or v10-' lation of law, the life of any person is destroyed, shall be deemed - guilty of the felony of manslaughter. and upon conviction thereof, before any circuit court of the L nitcd States. shall be sentenced to . y a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars, or to confinement at liatrd labor for a period of not more than ten years, or either, or both: ,,m,_m ]’rm·»'d»¢l, That when the owner or charterer of any steamboat or ves- Hxcmgive omcei- or sel shall be a corporation. any executive officer of such corporation, °°{§`Q’§?l2‘§Y';,;_ vox. xxxm, PT l---65 ·