1024 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Ssss. lll. Ch. 1454. 1905. any neglect to comply with the requirements of law, and also any defects or imperfections becoming apparent after the inspection aforesaid, and tending to render the navigation of the vessels unsafe: and 1f they shall discover any omission to comply with the law, or that repairs have become necessary to make the vessel safe, the inspectors shall at once notify the master, in writing, stating in the notice what is required; and ` _ if the master deems the requirements unreasonable or unnecessary, he may appgy for a reexamination of the case to the supervising inspector, as provided in the preceding section. All inspections and orders for repairs shall be promptlly made by thelinapectors, and, when ilt can ge safel done in their u gment, they s a permit repairs to e ma e c§,,}{*;;;Q*glL}¤Q:sY,;Q} wheiie those interested can most conveniently do them. And whenever tion, em. any local inspector or supervising inspector ascertains to his satisfaction that any vessel, subject to the provisions of this title, has been or is being navigated or operated without com lying with the terms of the vesse1’s certificate of inspection regarding the number and class of licensed officers and crew, or without complying with the provisions of law and her said certificate as to the number or kind of life-saving or fire-lighting apparatus, or without maintaining in ood and efhcient condition her lifeboats, fire pumps, fire hose, and lge-preservers, or that for any other reason said vessel can not be o rated with safety to life, the said local or supervising inspector shadoorder the owner or master of Mmmm- . splid vesspl to correct such unlawful qpnlditions, anddmay require that t e vesse at once cease navi tin an submitte to reins ction; m{:g‘{g°g}*f:sp‘;{,u°:; and in case the said orders olfasuci inspector shall not at once KZ com- ’ plied with, the said inspector shall revoke the said vessel’s certificate of inspection and shall immediately give to the owner, master, or agent of said vessel notice, in writing, of such revocation; and no new certificate of inspection shall be again issued to her until the provisions ,u§°{f)“;°;$§g:{;°,j*{,{;*; of this title have been complied with. Any vessel subject to the i-eveemon. provisions of this title operating or navigating or attempting to operate or naviglate after the revocation of her certificate of inspection and before the issuance of a new certificate, shall, upon a plication by the inspector to any district court of the United States having jurisdiction, and by prolper order or action of said court in the premises, be seized summari y by way of libel_and held without privilege of release by bail or bond until a proper certificate of inspection shall f*{,*j·•g·,0!mxm,_ have been issued to said vessel: Bwvided, That the master or owner malts. of any vessel whose certificate shall have been so revoked ma within . thirty days after receiving notice of such revocation appeal to the _ Secretary of Commerce and Labor for a reexamination of the case, “°"·*°¤·•*¢- and upon such appeal the said Secretary shall have power to revise. modify, or set asn e such action of the local or supervising inspector and direct the issuance to such vessel of her original certificate or of a R°l°”°· new certificate of inspection; and in case the said Secretary shall so direct the issuance o a certificate, all judicial process against said ' vessel based on this section shall thereupon be of no further force or effect, and the vessel shall thereupon be released." Sec. 3. That section forty-four hundred and eighty-eight of the Rezviged Sltiagpteg of thetgmted States be amended to read as follows: mrebom, eu-., on nc. . very s amer navi tin the ocean or an lake ba . %§“,g,§§°:‘:"i·: or spund of the United States, shalFabe irovided with sudh numbehs amé¤5ed_· ·P- - of hfeboats, floats, rafts, l1fe·preseri·ers,l1ne-carrying projectiles, and the means of propelhng them. and drags, as will best secure the safety of all persons on boar such vessel in case of disaster; and every seagoing vessel carrying passengers, and every such vessel navigating any of the northern or northwestern lakes, shall have the lifeboats required pg law, provided with suitable boat-disenga inc a paratus, so arrang as to allow such boats to be safely laundlied while. such vessels are under speed or otherwise, and so as to allow such disengag-
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