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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/112

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24 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. °°°**°8°'**°’P°"°°°· To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury ° on account of the a propriation "Contingent expenses, Independent Treasury," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, twenty-si; · ~ thousand three hundred and ninety dollars and nine cents. Gclgnwmdsnvvf- mms AND Assar orrrons. Se¤¤¤¤· W¤<¤· To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Contingent expenses, assay office at Seattle,” for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, three dollars and sixty-three cents. DiS¤'*¤*¤fo¤1¤¤>*>*¤·DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. mfyw md ew Harbor and river front: For the improvement and protection of the ` harbor and river front, the enforcement of laws and regulations, con- _ , struction and maintenance of wharves and buildings, and for other necessary items and services, four hundred dollars. ·¤=¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· To enable the assessor of the District of Columbia to complete the assessmentsof real and dpersonal taxes by the employment of temporary Puma mock seiiyices, elightlhuridrke dollaps. t t Wf _ d or D1 sc oo s or n 1 s no over wen -one ears o a an mgm www teachers bf night schoolspmldy also be teachers in theyday soho0T;; two thousand eight hundred dollars. _ ” Fw- For fuel for public schools, twenty thousand dollars. ' Mmm '¤'**i'“¤8· For the purchase and repair of tools, machinery, material, and appa- · i ratus to be used in connection with instruction in manual training, and floplincidental expenses connected therewith, two thousand five hundred o ars. . ‘ {g§Q°· For rent of building to be occupied temporarily during construction ° of the new fifth precinct station, one hun red dollars. ,,g,'”°” ’°“’°°d °“* Toward carrying out the provisions of the Acts of Congress prordmnm or um. viding for the elimination of grade crossings and the construction of "$%if§i,°§Y'm, a union railroad station in the District of Columbia, approved Febgfj, 3* 31&,f’1$· ruary twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, and February twenty- 'p' eighth, nineteen hundred and three for purchase or condemnation of the land necessary for the plaza and new streets, and for reconstruct-. ing, grading, and paving, together with the necessary incidental work in connection therewit , the streets, avenues, and ways changed in line of grade or newly created under the provisions of said Acts, this sum to be expended under the provisions of said Acts, and to continue available until expended, two hundred thousand dollars. mggwgufgm Dir One-half of the foregoing amounts to meet deticiencies in the appropriations on account of the District of Columbia shall be paid fliiom the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. ‘ W" ”°P•¤'°¤°¤*- · WAR DEPARTMENT. H- M· C¤i¤¤¤d•¤¤· The accounting officers of the Treasury are directed to credit in the °r°dm°°°°°°°“ accounts of Captain H. M. Chittenden, Corps of En ineers. the sum o; eiknveln dollars and forty-tive cents. standing against Tim on the books o e reasurv. bu'¤g3f¤¤ H· End- The accounting of the Treasury are directed to credit in the cmmzmwmuns accounts of Lieutenant—Colonel Thomas H. Handbury, Corps of Envineers, the sum of thirteen dollars and one cent, standing against him _ _ on the books of the Treasury. ggfglggwmu The accounting officers of the Treasury are directed to credit in the accounts of Ma]or John Milhs, Corps of Engineers, the sum of one dgllar and seventy-six cents, standing against him on the books of the ' easury.