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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/111

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FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 160. 1904. 23 ' To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury D°° M°*¤‘*S· I°W¤· on account of the appropriation for "Post-office, court—house, and custom-house, Des Moines, Iowa," one dollar and twenty cents. Boone, Iowa, st-oflice: For completion of building under present B°°““·I°"“· limit, fifty-five thbusand dollars. _ Centerville, Iowa, post-office: For completion ·of building under C°”‘°""‘€~ I°“'°· present limit, sixteen thousand two hundred) and fifty dollars. Omaha, Nebraska, court—house, custom—house, and post-office: For °"“*‘“~N°‘“'· completion of building under present limit, five thousand dollars. Bangor, Maine, custom-house and post—omce: For balance of the §§',§§{’,?,§§‘{,,.,dge Government’s share of one—half of the estimated cost of repairing the ` bridge which s ans the Kenduskeag stream and furnishes the a preach to the customfhouse and post—office at Bangor, Maine, five thousand four hundred and thirty-six dollars. Greensboro, North Carolina, rent of buildings: For rental of §6':”"°"°· N- C- temporary quarters, and expenses incident thereto, two thousand five _ ' hundred dollars. ` Rome, Georgia, rent of buildings: For rental of temporary quarters gg?. Gefor the accommodation of certain Government officials and expenses u' incident thereto, three thousand dollars. _ Jacksonville, Florida, post—ofIice and custom-house: For rental of §],‘.§,lf°"“"°· Fm temporary quarters and expenses incident thereto, ten thousand dollars. Los Angeles, California, rent of buildings: For rental of tem rary RI"§'§,f"“°1°“·°‘l‘ quarters for the accommodation of certain Government officialg and expfnses incident thereto, ten thousand dollars. acon, Georgia, public building: That u n the acquisition of the #l§°{’,'};,,(i,“,;,_ additional land authorized bv the Act of gngress approved March V°·”·P-Izmthird, nineteen hundred and three, for the enlargement of the Federal building site at Macon, Georgiaa the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to improve, repair, an remodel any building or buildings thereon which, in his opinion, may be made suitable for occu ncy and use for post—oliice and such other purposes as may be practicahib durin the time the Federal building is being enlarged, remodeled, and V0, ,1 590 lm extended, and the a propriations heretofore made by the Acts of `° 'pp' ’ ` Congress approved Blue sixth, nineteen hundred, and March third, nineteen hundred and one, for rental of temporary quarters for Government officials at Macon, Georgia, are hereby reappropriated and made available, in addition to the purposes therein expressed, for the carrying into effect of the authorization herein contained and all ex nses incident thereto. liating apparatus for public buildings: For heating, hoisting, and p&*ju°tQ1*;¤8· °¤=-· W ventilating a paratus, twenty-five thousand dollars. me, it ea Vaults, saflds, and locks for public buildings: For vaults, safes, and ,0g’£¤“¤· ••*¤=· ¤¤¤ locks, and repairs to the same for all public buildings under the ` control of the Treasury Department, exc usive of (personal services, except for work done by contract, fifteen thousand ollars; but of this amount not exceeding three thousand dollars may be expended for rsonal services of mechanics and others employed outside of the Blistrict of Columbia in making repairs and inspecting work done. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury F~¤P¤i*'¤· on account of the appropriation for “Repairs and preservation of public buildings” for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, seven ollars. INDEPENDENT TREASURY. m§§}d¤P°¤¤¤¤¤ Tm Salaries Office of Assistant Treasurer at Philadelphia: For two A¤*¤¤¤* Timurclerks, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum ;ili¤.Om°°’ Pm8m` each, and one money counter, at the rate of nine hundred ollars per annum, for the balance of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one thousand three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and ninety-five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.