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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1121

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1034 F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 1462, 1463. 1905. the Secretary of War before the construction of the bridge is com- W•s<>¤ and fwt menced. Said brid shall be constructed to provide for the passage bud"' of wagons and vehicllds of all kinds, for the transit of animals, and for foot passengers, under such rules and regulations as may be laid down by ltihe proper officers of said county un er the laws of the said State of ississi i. Ip wg¤1u€;¤¤¢¤~ Sec. 2. That the bridge shall be a lawful structure, and shall be an p°° mknown and recognized as a post route, and shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post-roads of the United States, and no charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, troops, dg`h2¢8*¤P¤· ¤¤¢·· and rpunisiqnsdof wlar·lpQ:he Urtgged SE12a;. Eqhual [érivilegles in the ' use o said ri s a gran to a egrap an te e one companies, and thedllnited States shall have the right of waylalcross said ridge and its aipproaches for postal, telegra h, and telephone ur- °¤¤¤¤<**- poses; and any phanges in th? said bridge the iscrgetariy of EVM may require in e interest o navigation s a e ma e y the rson ` or corporation owning or operating the same, at their own expelirese. m‘jf*° 0* °°¤¤*’°°· Sec. 3. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of — said bridege herein authorized shall not be commenced in two years and www L cogrpleti Elithrqlthmehyiarslfmm the gate of apprqyalirereofil b °“ Ec. . att erigt oater,amen,orre tis ctis ere _ ‘ expressly reserved. pm y Approved, March 3, 1905. M¤¤>h 3· 1*5- CHAP. 1468.—An Act To authorize the county of Quitman to construct a bridge

 across the Tallahatchie River, Mississippi. `

[Public, No. 196.] _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe;m·eaentatives of the United M§§H“1‘“t°m° R’"'· States of America in Congress assembled, That the county of Quitman, mQ;g;w_ C°““*Y one of the counties of the State of Mississippi, duly created and organized under and by virtue of the laws of the said State, is hereby authorized and empowered to erect, construct, and maintain a bridge, I·<>¤¤¤¤¤· by and through its_pr·oper officers, over the Tallahatchie River, in section seven,_townshr twenty-six north, range one east, in said county, s,,.,1'°,.,"',,,?“ of w.,;., State of Mississippi: gbmrided, That the lans and location of the said ¤P¤*°'•= P ·¤¤· °°°· brrdge are approved by the Secretary_ of llllfar before the construction www md km of the bridge is commenced. Sard bridge shall be constructed to pro- Md8e_ vrde for the passage of wagons and vehrcles of all kinds, for the transit of anrmglsaanidgor fogt palssengers, under such rules and regulations as may e ai own y the ro r officers of said count under the L I I st t laws of the said State of Misdissfpepi. y ,,,,,{’,,'{,,,{',,_,,,,,,¥"° “'° Srsc. 2. That the bridge shall be a lawful structure, and shall be known and recognized as a (post route and shall enjoy the rights and pgrvrlegep of tqthqr postzroa s of thetgnited Stzgteil, and po charge shall ma e or e ransmrssrou over e same o the mai s troo s and dQ`,f,f€'°¥"'- °'°·· munitions of war of the United States. Equal (privilegeslin therise of said bridge shall be granted to all telegraph an telephone companies, and the mted States shall have the rrg t of way across said bridge and <>¤·¤¤¤ its approaches for postal telegraph and telephone purposes; and any changes rn the sa1d_brrdge which the Secretar of Vlr ar may require in the interest of navigation shall be made by the person or corporation Tim of comme owéringgorppegatgnglfhp slarpqgt thloiir olwn eécpense. ,,0,,tmc. . a t rs c s a nu an voi of actual construction of said bridge herein authorized shall not be commenced in two years and comple within three years from the date of approval hereof.

  • ’“°“‘*"*°'**- Sec. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

Gxpressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1905.