FIFTITEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 1460-1462. 1905. lt)33 CHAP. 1460.-An Act To aid in quieting title to certain lands within the Klamath M¤¤=h 3- N05- Indian Reservation, in the State of Oregon. [H· R·l8i’8°·'l _ _ [rubuc, Ne. nn.] _ Be tt enacted by the Senate and H0z¢.se ¢;fReprene1atat¢Yve.s oftbe United Stiller? of America ln Lbngress assembled, That the Secretary of the Rfggjgmhofgdian Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to investigate Value of, mailers and ascertain the reasonable value of the lands heretofore conveyed by $§$‘,2§,}Q§'f2,§P,§¥cY° M the United States to the State of Ore on as a part of the grant of lands made to said State by the Act of Congress approved Julyi second, Y°l· 1**- P- *55- eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled “An Xct granting lands to the State of Oregon to aid in the construction of a military road from Eugene City to the eastern boundary of said State," and embraced wit in the boundaries of the original survey of the Klamath Indian Reservation in said State, and bein the lands involved in the suit of the United States versus the Caligwnia and Oregon Land Com ny, decided in favor of said company by the Supreme Court of the Iliiited States at the October term, nineteen hundred and three (volume one . hundred and ninety-two, page three hundred and fifty-tive, of the United States Reports), what part of said lands have been allotted to Indians Indian uiozmems. and the value of the 1m rovements thereon, and also for what price the said California and gregon Land Company will convey the said lands to the United States, or on what terms the said company will nxcmugeor ima. exchange such lands for other lands, not allotted to Indians, within the original boundaries of said reservation. And it is hereby made Ream the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to make a full and specific report to Congress, on or before the first day of the next session, in pursuance of the jurisdiction and duties imposed on him by this Act. Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1461.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a code of Merch 3-1905- law for the District of Columbia." Public, No. 194. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representata}ve.s of the United [ ] States (gf America in Lbngreas assembled, That the following amend- C0IQ,Q{‘fl°*°*‘°°l““‘b‘“ ment is hereby made to "An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia," approved March third, nineteen hundred and “,X;§;,e§f- *’· *“'“· one : " Sec. 825a. Precise mxrrosrvns umn mmmrxcs, Ann so 1··oa·ru.-— m§,QL**{5_{{}f,,,,°§;gfl‘g{f,Y“ Whoever places, or causes to be placed, in, upon, under, against, or Punishmennear to any building, car, vessel, monument, statue, or structure, gunpowder or any explosive substance of any kind whatsoever, with intent to destroy, throw down, or inlure the whole or any part thereof, although no damage is done, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding ten years." Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1462.-An Act To authorize the county of Quitman to construct a bridge March 3. 1905. avross Coldwater River, Mississippi. [K K 185**] [Public, X0. 195. Be Z thenacted by the Senate and II0n.;;?fRq>resnztatévea of t/ee United I States of America in Omgresa assemb , That the county of Quitman, Mgld*'¤*°*’ Rimone of the counties of the State of Mississippi, duly created and organ- Qditnzmn County ized under and by virtue of the laws of the said State, is hereby Q§{g §§§.‘f§f’· “' P'"' authorized and empowered to erect, construct. and maintain a bridge, bv and through its proper officers, over the Coldwater River, near Ifarnells Ferry, in section twenty-five, township twenty-nine north, range two west. in the county of Quitman, State of Mississippi: Pm- £’c*>;;{•;_y0f“." to vided, That the plans and location of the said bridge are approved by approve pnameu-.
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