1046 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 111. CHS. 1477, 1478. 1905. Merch 3. 1905- CHAP. 1477.-An Act To authorize Trigg County, Kentucky, to bridge the Cum- [H· R· 1°1*°·] berland River at or near Canton, Trigg County, Kentucky. lrubucmol mi] B '¢ t d b the S t d H fR taf ft} U 'ted ez emma y enaean mxseo epresen *1/veso as m. K°“m"°'1°”‘* R*"’· States p£Amsrica in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for ling: County may Tri g unty, Kentucky, to construct and maintain a foot and wagon °'#{'§g§§,°“}',}3"‘;°,t bridge and approaches thereto across the Cumberland River at or
- 8* near Canton, engucky, as the ponantgcmay deen:} sxitable for its purposes subject to the a rova o the cretary 0 lar.
·u¥é¤W{‘;(lu;*:'“°“"° Sud. 2. That any bridlge authorized to be constructed under this Act pmshall be a lawful structure and shall be recognized and known as a post route, and shall enjoy all the rights and priyileges of other post-roads in the United States, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails or for through passengers or freight Passing over said bridge and approaches than the rate per mile paid or transportation over the rai roads leading to said _ brid , and ual privile in the use of said brid e shall `be granted "g'h{;¢8*¤Ph· ¤'¢·· to allvtelegraoplh and telephbsne companies, and the Cnited States shall ' have the rig t of way or postal, telegraph and telephone purposes ¤¤$;*£g:'ft;f °° without chargetherefor across said bridge and approaches. Sa1d bridge shall be built and located ulpder and subjgictév to splch fegulations fordt ie security of navigation as the Secretar o ar al prescribe; an to secure that ob'ect the said county of Trigg shall submit to the Secretary of War, ilor his examination and a proval, a design and drawin s . P . . , g of the bridge and a map of the location giving for the space ot one mile above and one mile below the propose location the high and low wlater lines; upoihthpabankz (gl the paver, cgihrectiondand strengtltiapf t e curren a a s ges o e wa r W1 e sonn in accura y ghogving thehbed of thpcstrpiam anfi thdpocation of any plthzsgc bridge op ri ges suc map to su cient y in etai to ena le the retary 0 War to,judge of the proper location of said bridgz, and shall furnish . sucih othexé informaltion as maypedrequiredhfor dllnznd sagiifactory °¤¤¤8¤¤· un erstan in of the subject. n until the said ns an ocation are gpprovedg by the Secretary of War, the bridge shall not be comnlpeg dor builtiland should pay change be medals: the plan of saild ri ge urin the rocess o construction or a r completion suc changps sballgb: (spbéhect gpc the appxpzpl of the Secretary of V\’ai·, and · _ any c anges w i e rotary 0 ar may require at any time in the said structure shall be promptly made by the said countiv of Trigg; 'l`°“•- State of Kentucky, at its own expense. A schedule of al tolls to _ chargeddfor passage, either ppp wagons or foot passengers, shall be approve b the Secretary o ar. ¤8*“'-°‘°· Sec. 3. 'llhat on an * brid e constructed under the provisions of this c eres al ma1nme,a eex nseo onyow n o Atth hibe iltagd tth pe fthecut nig r controlling the same, such lights and other signals as may be prescribed by the Light-House Board. t,0'ff”‘° °’ °°“”*“‘°‘ _ Sec. 4. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of ` the bridgp herein authorized be not completed within three years from the date ereof and commenced in one year from passage of this Act. Am¤¤<1¤¤¤¤¤· Sec. 5. That the right to alter, amen , or repea this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1905. Kmh 3- NW CHAP. 1478.-An Act To provide for celebratingtne birth of theAmerican nation, » [K B‘um°‘l the first permanent settlement of English-speaking people on_the Western Hemi- [Pubns, No. 211.] mem, by the holding of an international naval, marine, and military celebration in vicinityoi Jamestown, on the waters of Hampton Roads, in the State of Virginia; totproyide for a mumble andypglmaneznt cppmmemoration of said event, and to an onze an appropna ion in ai ereo , an or o er purposes.
Whereas it_is desirable to commemorate in a fitting and appropriate
P~•·¤*>¤•=· manner the birth of the American nation, the first permanent settle- _