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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1134

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1478. 1905. 1047. ment of English-speaking peo le on. the American continent, made at Jamestown, Virglinia, on the thirteenth day of May, sixteen hundred and seven, in or er that the great events of American histor which have resulted therefrom may be accentuated to the present andy future generations of American citizens; and _ Whereas that section of the Commonwealth of Virginia where the nrst permanent settlement was made is conspicuous in the history of the_ American nation by reason of the vital and momentous events which have there taken place in the colonial, Revolutionary_, and civil war eras of the nation, including not only the first permanent settlement of English-speaking people, but also the scene of the capitulationé of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, and the scene of the first naval coniiict between armor-clad vessels, the Monitor and Merrimac: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representahi/ves of the United States 0_fAme1~iea in Congress assembled, That there shall be inaugu- 1¤!¤¤¤¤¤¤•>¤¤1 celerated in the year nineteen hundred and seven, on and near the waters hmm °°th°m°d' of Hampton Roads, in the State of Virginia, as herein provided, an international naval, marine and military celebration, beginning May nm, ` thiyteenth, and ending not later than November iirst, nineteen `hundred an seven. · Sec. 2. In furtherance of the object set forth in section one of this uAPgg**¤*i°¤ fm Act there is hereby appro riated, out of any money in the Treasury pc ` not otherwise appropriated? to be available until expended, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasuiiy and upon vouchers to be approved by him and apportioned as fo ows: Fifty thousand dollars for the expenditures w ich shall be made by cmnmsmion. the commission hereinafter created and not herein specifically provided for, in preparing for and conducting said celebration, inc uding theex nses o said commission. One hundred and twenty-five thousand ,0},'*e*gl§*,,gg;°¤* 0* dollgrs for the official entertainment of foreign military and naval rep- ` resentatives, of which amount one hundred thousand dollars shall be expended by the commander in chief of the North Atlantic Fleet, under the supervision of the Secretary of the Navy, and twenty-five thousand dollars thereof by the Chief of Staff of the Army under the supervision of the Secretary of \Var. Fifty thousand dollars for a M°¤“¤°”‘— permanent monument upon the place of the first permanent English settlement at Jamestown, Vir `nia, and in commemoration thereof; the site and de ign to be selected} by the Commission hereinafter named, subject to the a proval of the President: Provided, That the site be grgvfvvdonated to the United States by proper deed. Fifteen thousand dollars M `rm _ for rmanent moorings for the use of vessels participating in said °° "' celebiation at Hampton Roads, subject to the a prova of the Secretary of the Navy. Ten thousand dollars for exhibiting on the scene mQ[9_§‘,[',{;{,g{}f§,_”'°"*· of the engagement between the Monitor and Merrimac one or more of the old monitors of that period in order to illustrate the progress of ~ naval construction. Sec. The President of the United States is hereby authorized to ujgg*¤:“°”‘°‘°"*¤** make proclamation of said celebration, setting forth the event to be commemorated, inviting foreign nations to participate by the sending of their naval vessels and such representation of their military organizations as maybe practicable, and to have such portions of our Army and Navy assembled there during the said celebration as may be compatible with the public service. And the President is also authorized ‘_,1é},lf“° °° b° *¤· to invite participation in said celebration by the militia of the several States, but at their own expense. _ Sec. 4. And the President of the United States is hereb authorized C°““”*’°*°“ °'°°*°d· to constitute a Commission to consist of the Secretary of tds Treasury, the Secretary of War. and the Secretary of the Navy, to be known as the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Commission. The said Commission P°“’°” ·*“*’ d“*i**