1048 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 1478,1479. 1905. shall have full power and authority to do any and all things by this Act required to be done for the carrying on of said celebration, including the detail ofsuch persons as may be necessary for clerical and other services in connection with the work of said Commission from the Departments of which they are respectively at the head, and not in terms expressly entrusted to others, and all t ings necessary to the appropriate inauguration and successful holding of said celebration, garzigvii x_ whether herein expressly enumerated or not: Provided, however, That psué-iimesiu °° ° said Commission s all do no act which will require any expenditure of money in excess of the sums herein appropriated, and should it transcend this limitation the Government oi) the United States will not be bound by its acts. Approved, March 3, 1905. m§}$ CHAP. 1479.-An Act Making appropriations for the current and contingent -}—.— exspnsm of the Indian Department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various lP¤¤¤¤, N°· 212-] In an tubes for the fecal year ending June tlurtieth, mneteen hundred and six, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by t/ae Smate and House of Resentatives 0 the United .p{h.°$rIi.a5§.’°’°f°°°°t States of Amemba in Congress assembled, Tm the followiiilg sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Delpartment, and in full compensation for all offices the salaries for w ich are specially provided for herein, for the service of the fiscal year ending June thirt1eth, nineteen hundred and six, and for fulfilling-treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, namely: _ CURRENT AND CONTINGENT EXPENSES. P" °f°“°°°" For pay of twenty-two agents of Indian affairs at the followingnamed agencies, at the rates relspectively indicated, namely: d 6; the Blackfeet Agency, ontana, one thousand eight hundred 0 rs; At the Cheyenne River Agency, South Dakota, one thousand eight hundred dollars; d the Colville Agency, Washington, one thousand five hundred o rs; At the Crow Creek Agency, South Dakota, one thousand six hundred dollars; At the Crow Agency, Montana, one thousand eight hundred dollars; d ikt the Flathead Agency, Montana, one thousand five hundred o lars; At the Kiowa Agency, Oklahoma Territory, one thousand eight hundred dollars; d ig the La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin, one thousand eight hundred o rs; d at the Leech Lake Agency, Minnesota, one thousand eight hundred 0 ars; At the Lower Brule Agency, South Dakota, one thousand four hundred dollars; , At the New York Agency, New York, one thousand dollars; At the Osage Agency, Oklahoma Territory, one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the Pine Ridge Agency, South Dakota, one thousand eight hundred dollars; " d At the Rosebud Agency, South Dakota, one thousand eight hundred 0 lars; doét the San Carlos Agency, Arizona, one thousand eight hundred ars;
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