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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1137

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1050 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. of special agents, at three dollars per day when actually employed on dut in the field, exclusive of transportation and slee in -car fare, in `Yyfllotherexpee atho`db la pdg f 1eu o a ns s now u rize y w, an expenses o going to and going from the seat of government, and while remaining there under orders and direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, fo; a period no; gof exceeél twenty days; for pay of employees not ot erwise provide or, an for pay of the special agents at two thoucmml sand dollars per annum each, seyenty-five_thousand dollars. v01_ 1,,_°,}f’“"‘*"*°“,_ “· For expenses of the commission of citizens, serving without compensatmn, appointed by the President under the provisions of the ourth section of the Act of APHI tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- nine, four thousand dollars, ot which amount a sum not to exceed R°“'· three hundred dollars may be used by the commission for office rent. P¤·¤¤¤¤¤1f¤r¤¤¤· To enable lthe Spcretary of the gnterior to employ practical farmers an practica stoc men subject on y to such examination as to qualitications as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, in addition to the aégency farmers now employed, at wages not exceeding seventy- five_ ollars-each per month, to superintend and direct farming and stock ~ raising among such Indians as are making effort for self-support, one mmiudm mlm hundred and twenty·five thousand dollars: hmded, That the amounts 1: for empmyses. paid said farmers and stockmen shall not come within the limit for employees fixed by the Act of June seventh eighteen hundred and v°]'°°’°‘°°‘ ninety-seven. (Thirtieth Statutes page ninety ) g I¤¤i¤¤ v<>¤i¤¤- A For services of officers at fifteen dollars per month each, and rivates at ten dollars per month each, of Indian police, to be emplbyed in maintaining order and prohibitin ille l traiiic in liquor on the several Indian reservations and widin th: Territory of Alaska, in the discretion of the Secretaryaof the Interior, for the purchase of equip- _ ments_, and for the purc se of rations for policemen at nonration _ agencies, one hundred thousand dollars. c°{,';Qs$°* °* 1******** {lor comlpepiatéoan of udgeis ofllnilian courts, twelve thousgpd dollars. mmms to meson o ena e e cre ry o the nterior to employ suita e persons °°““°k°°’l”" as pnatrons to ttpach Indiangiilrls in hougelpeeping and oplher laopseqold u ies ata ra not toexce seventy dollars per mont , an or ur- _ nishing necessary equipments, and rentingrgauarters where necessary, §£{'mimMm,m_ twenty-five thousand ollars: t the amount paid sand a for employees matrons shall not come within the limit for employees lixed by the Act ""‘·“°· P- ’°· of June seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. ( hirtieth tatutes e ninety. P,};*_*g,Qf'*“¤ "*P· Telegralpcliging, telephoning, and purchase of Indian supplies: _To pay the expense of purchasing goods and supplies for the Indian Service, and pay of necessary employees; advertising, at rates not exceeding regular commercial rates; inspection, and all other expenses connected tiheifewith, and for telegrap ing and telephoning, sixty thousand o ars. p,,{,_**}**°P°”*°8 °'*P· For necessary expenses of transportation ofsuch goods, provisions, and other artic es for the various tribes of Indians provided for by this Act, including pay and expenses of transportation agents and rent of warehouses, two hundred thousand dollars. v‘°°“"“°" d Sor pure vaccine matter and vaccination of Indians, five thousand o ars. . 1"‘m““"-"'°°““ FULFILLING TREATY STIPULATIONS WITH AND SUP- PORT OF INDIAN TRIBES.

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°€€,*}$"fl“§‘,,_ M, ]For suppqsiilt 0;,11 sqpool or scholoés upon saiid Eelslervatiqn, during the easure o e resident in acco ance wit t i artic e o treaty of Napoli nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, four thousand ol ars. - ·