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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1138

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F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. 1051 or-ioonws. Ch<>¤¤W¤- _ For permanent annuity, dper second article of treaty of November ml;§"““¤°¤* **¤¤“· sixteenth, eighteen hundre and five, and thirteenth article of treaty V61. 7.p. 99- (qf {I une twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand V°1` 11* °' m` o ars; For permanent annuity for su ort of light horsemen, r thir- Ll h‘h°"°°'“°“· teenth article of treaty of Octobeiqeighteentli, eighteen hundiied and iiilbelilltwenty, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars; For permanent annuity for support of blacksmith, per sixth article ${,*§°'§“‘;,“Q}; of treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, ninth V<>1$7Z1>Z236Z article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twentv- v01' u' p' m` tive, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars; For permanent annuity for education, per second and thirteenth €§l,}{°§"{,‘f';g.,5 articles of last two treaties named above, six thousand dollars; V*>*· 1l. P· 615- For permanent annuity for iron and steel, per ninth article of treat {2}}} §‘“,§’ *§§,°l· of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-tive, and thirteenth V<>r1l~·1$- 61¥- article of treat of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty- tive, three hundred and twenty dollars; . For interest on three hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and I““"°*‘· fifty-seven dollars and ninety-two cents, at five er centum r annum, for education, support of the government, and other beneficismgiurposes, under the direction of the general council of the Choctaws, in conform- VM- 7»1>·2=’»6· it * with the provisions contained in the ninth and thirteenth articles ot? treaty of anuary twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and V°l· “· P· 61* treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, nineteen thousand five hundred and twelve dollars and eighty-nine cents; in all, thirty thousand and thirty-two dollars and eighty-nine cents. cmrrnwas or Mrnnnson, REIMBURSABLE. _ ,,e§f,‘g’}’°””* °‘ Mm Advance interest to the Chippewa Indians in Minnesota, as required ¢Qf°;*,°;“gjg'°**· . by section seven of “An Act for the relief and civilization of the Chip- l' ` pewa Indians in the State of Minnesota/’ approved January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in the manner required by ` said Act (reimbursable), ninety thousand dollars. To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction (i“"“““"“· °“`· of the Secretary of the Interior, to carry out an Act entitled "An Act ‘°l·°°* l’· 6*2 for the relief and civilizationof the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota,” approved Januar fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, namely, the purchase of material and employment of labor for the erection of houses for Indians; for the pure ase of agricultural implements, stock, and seeds, breaking and encing land; for a ·ment of ex nses of delegations of Chippewa Indians to visit the \)\`liite Earth Iiidservation; for the erection and maintenance of day and industrial schools; for subsistence and for pry of employeesafor pay of commissioners and their expenses, and or remova of Indians and for their allotments, to be made under the supervision of said commissioners, to be reimbursed to the United States out of the proceeds of sale of their lands, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. C(EUB D’ALENES. Cceur d'Alenes, For fourteenth of fifteen installments of eight thousand dollars each, vm. 26, p. wes, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, under the sixth article of agreement of March twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. ratified by Act of March third, eighteen vows. p.10‘29. hundred and ninety-one, eight thousand dollars;