1·*1FrY.m1GH·rH coucuuss. sm. 111. 011. 1479. 1905. 1053 seventy-seven, including subsistence and civilization of Northern Cheyennes removed from Pine Ridge Agency to Tongue River, Montana, ninety thousand dollars; For pay of physician, two teachers, two carpenters, one miller, two mmm em. farmers, a blacksmith, and en ineer, per seventh article of the treaty v01. 15, p. one of May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, nine thousand dollars; · in all, ninety-nine thousand dollars. _ osaeus. Onsu For interest on sixtymine thousand one hundred and twenty dollars I¤¤¤¢¤*· at five per centum per annum, being value of fifty-four sections of land set apart by treaty of June second, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, for educatmnalxpurposes, per Senate resolution of January ninth, v01. 7, p. 242. gnigglgteentlnnipdr and thirty-eight, three thousand four hundred and -six dollars. PAWNEES. Pawnees. For pe tual annuit , which is to be aid in cash to them r Annuity- second artigle of treaty dl September twentp -fourth, eighteen huiiditd v°1‘u’p‘m‘ and figtdy-seven, and agreement of November twenty-third., eighteen hundr and ninety-two, article three, thirty thousand dollars; For suppgrt of two manual-labor schools, per third article of same treazy, o dptember twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, ten thousand dollars; For pay of one farmer, two blacksmiths, one miller, one engineer, rarma-,m. and apprentices, and two teachers, per same treaty, five thousand and four undred dollars; For pay of physician and purchase of medicines, one thousand two hundred dollars; For purchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops, Iron me mei, ear as per ourth article of treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen Vol. 11, p. vm. hundred and fifty-seven, ive hundred dollars; in all, forty-one thousand seven hundred dollars. · POTTAWATOMIES. Pottawnwmies. For permanent annuity, in silver, per fourth article of treaty of lgnuuitics. August third, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, three hundred and l°l‘7‘°‘°" iiftly-seven dollars and eighty cents; or permanent annuity, in silver, per third article of treaty of Sep· v¤1.7,p. 114. tember thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, one hundred and seventy- eight dollars and ninety cents; or permanent annuity, in silver, per third article of treaty of Octo- Vol- 7. p. we ber second, eighteen hundred and eighteen, eight hundred and ninety- four dollars and fifty cents; For permanent annuity, in mongy, (per second article of treaty of V<>M.v.317. Septem >er twentieth, eig teen hun re and twenty-eight, seven hundred and fifteen dollars and sixty cents; For permanent annuity, in specie, per second article of treaty of V<>1.7,1>.32¤. July twentvninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and second Vol. 7,p. au. article of treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty- eight, five thousand seven hundred and twenty-four dollars and seventy- seven cents; For permanent provision for gayment of money in lieu of tobacco, v¤1.7,p.a1s. iron, and steel, per second artic e of treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and tenth article of treaties of vox. 9, p. sas. June fifth and seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, one hundred and seven dollars and thirty-four cents; For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per second article v¤1.:,p.sz<1. of treaty of July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, fifty do lars;
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