1054 Frrrrareurn corzennss. sms. III. cH. 1479. . 1905. l¤°°*°¤*- For interest on two hundred and thirty thousand and sixty-four dol- V°l· °· P- 85*- lars and twenty cents, at five per centum, in conformity with provisions of article seven of treaties of June fifth and seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, eleven thousand five hundred and three dollars and twenty-one cents; in all, nineteen thousand five hundred and thirty- two dollars and twelve cents. Q¤¤¤¤W¤· qunmws. §g;¤¢;*{;>¤;,5 For education, per third article of treaty of May thirteenth, eighteen ``hundred and thirty-three, one thousand dollars; for blacksmith and assistants, and tools. iron, and steel for blacksmith shop, per same article and treaty, five hundred dollars; in all, one thousand five hunt ggpgm 0, me dred dollars: Prmnfded, That the President of the United States shall president. certify the same to be for the best interests of the Indians. m§¤g,gp;f*¤ °* sacs Arm Forms or me mrssrssrrrr. A¤¤¤i¤v· For rmanent annuit , in gloods or otherw' r third article of v°l' 7'p'85` treatyblf November thiryd, cig teen hundred Qld ldur, one thousand ¥¤*¤¤¤*- dollars; for interest on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum V<>l- 7· v- 541- per second article of treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, ten thousand dollars; for interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per second article of treaty of October eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-two, fort thousand I*j;·;;}*£ku etc dollars: Provided, That the sum of one thousand five hundrred dollars ’of this amount shall be used for the pa of a physician and for purchase of medicine; in all, fifty-one thousand, dollars. wig; ;;1g_i_Fo¤°¤ 0* sA0s AND roxns or Tim MISSOURI. · Interest- For interest on one hundred and lift -seven thousand four hundred V¤r 7. p- 541- dollars, at five per centum, ·under the direction of the President, per second article of treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, seven thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars; gcnoel- ms For support of a school, per fifth article of treatly of March sixth, °‘ Z p' ‘ eighteen hundred and sixty-one, two hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand and seventy dollars. Seminoles. sEMIN0LEs_ I¤*¤*¢¤°- For five per centum interest on two hundred and fifty thousand V°’· ¤· P·7°°· dollars, to be paid as annuity, per eighth article of treaty of An ust slevpnth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred o ars; For five per centum interest on two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid as annuity (they having joined their brethren West), per eighth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and ft -six, twelve thousand five hundred dollars; lyor interest on fift thousand dollars, at the rate of five per centum V°‘· “· l’· ”"· per annum, to be paid, annually for the support of schools, as per third article of treaty of March twentv—iirst, eighteen hundred and sixty- six, two thousand five hundred dollars; For interest on twenty thousand dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, to be paid annually for the support of the Seminole government, as per same article, same treaty, one thousand dollars; in all, twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. ,·§f§°°" °‘ N"' smvrzons or xmw roruc. egffftf; m For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on stock, per Act of Feb- 3U8i!`]?' nineteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six thousand ol ars;
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